Negresses Vertes, Les - Le Pere Magloire Lyrics

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Artist: Negresses Vertes, Les
Negresses Vertes, Les Author
Album: Mlah (1988)
Negresses Vertes, Les - Mlah Album
Song Title: Le Pere Magloire
Genre: Pop
Visits: 753
Print Version

Idiot, fou, epileptique Idiot, fool, epileptic
Grand-pere Magloire Grandpa Myglory
Ne suce pas de l'eau qui pique doesn't suck the water that stings
Le Perrier lui file des aigreurs Perrier gives him heartburn
Grand-pere Magloire a mal au coeur Grandpa Myglory is sick at heart
C'est ainsi qu'il perd la raison It's thus that he loses reason
Quand grand-pere arrete de boire When grandpa stops drinking
Ce cochon se transforme This bastard turns into an
en vieux con an old asshole

Non, non grand-pere No, no grandpa
Ne t'mets pas en colere Don't get angry
Bois un canon, Drink a cannon
Dans le fond t'as p'tet raison. At the bottom you're maybe right.
L'eau t'rend fada, Water makes you barmy
Grincheux et pas sympa, grumpy and not nice
Mais tu radotes But you talk a load of drivel
Quand tu pisses dans tes bottes. When you piss in your boots.

Idiot, fou, epileptique, Idiot, fool, epileptic
Grand-pere Magloire Grandpa Myglory
Si il touche a la badouwa If he touches the sparkling water
Le grand-pere Magloire a mal au foie Grandpa is sick in the liver
C'est ainsi qu'il deraisonne It's thus that he loses reason
Quand grand-pere stoppe de cuver When grandpa's off the wine
Il ne r'connait plus personne He no longer recognizes anyone
Et c'est bubonne qu'il bastonne It's the wifey that he starts hitting

Non, non grand-pere No, no grandpa
Ne t'mets pas en colere Don't get angry
Bois un canon, Drink a cannon,
Dans le fond t'as p'tet raison. At the bottom you're maybe right.
L'eau t'rend fada, Water makes you barmy
Grincheux et pas sympa, grumpy and not nice
Mais tu radotes But you talk a load of drivel
Quand tu pisses dans tes bottes. When you piss in your boots.

Idiot, fou, epileptique Idiot, fool, epileptic
Grand-pere Magloire Grandpa Myglory
A un medecin pas catholique has a weird doctor
Qui lui ordonne du valium who puts him on Valium
Grand-pere Magloire n'est plus Grandpa Myglory is no longer
un homme a man
Mais v'la l'Beaujolpif nouveau But look, some cheap wine
Grand-pere craque et boit un verre Grandpa cracks and drinks a glass
On l'fout en maison de repos Off he goes to a convalescent home
Les psychiatres lui font la peau The psychiatrists get his ass

Non, non grand-pere No, no grandpa
Ne t'mets pas en colere Don't get angry
Bois un canon, Drink a cannon,
Dans le fond t'as p'tet raison. At the bottom you're maybe right.
L'eau t'rend fada, Water makes you barmy
Grincheux et pas sympa, grumpy and not nice
Mais tu radotes But you talk a load of drivel
Quand tu pisses dans tes bottes. When you piss in your boots.

Idiot, fou, epileptique, Idiot, fool, epileptic
Pov'grand-pere, Poor grandpa
La loi est meurtriere The law is a murderer
J'leve mon canon I raise my cannon
A toi et mort aux cons. to you and death to the bastards.
Vive la java Long live the java waltz
Et les blouses blanches basta And the white coats basta
Et l'on radote, And one prattles on
En chialant un vieux pote, while blubbering an old jar
Idiot, fou, epileptique. Idiot, fool, epileptic

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Mlah" album, click "Negresses Vertes, Les Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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