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Suier De Solomonar Song Lyrics
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Other Negura Bunget song Lyrics | Blaznit "Farmec facatoriu...fiara...faradelege Dupa duhul dracului Depreuna dezleaga desavirsit Inaltime insa ingrozeste...intuneric..." | Negrii ""En nordan at Svartahafi gengr Svidjot en milka Eda kin kalda. I svidjot eru storherud morg, ok Margskonar tjodir undarliger ok margar tungur; Tar eru dvegar ok risar ok blammen." Snorri Sturlusson - Heimskingla Voda-Negru di prast paduri si munt..." | In Miaz De Negru "Din sas la colt de stinca, Din munte cufundat in vale, S-asterne ingraditu, Spaia, fala si puterea,..." | Din Afundul Adincului Intrupat "Precum din groaza cea de veacuri, In umbra a gonitu, pin virf de piatra, Spurcata-ntelepciune,..." | Pohvala Hula "Pren vremi vetuste Dupre reci imbre Di pin pregiur Arunc porunca..." | De Rece Singie "Pe-cie re vreme Vintu cind bate Lupi hamnisisera Printre piraie..." | Dupre Reci Imbre "Dece radica Intunecarea S-or hi vinitu Dzicind urlindu..." | Vel Proclet "Olat atocma Bezzaconic Blem ciudotvoret 'N horde salt..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Sala Molksa" album, click "Negura Bunget Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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