Nehmah - Siguilum Sanctum Lycantropia Lyrics

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Artist: Nehmah
Song Title: Siguilum Sanctum Lycantropia
Visits: 928
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The cold winds of mayhem squalls through the dark and deep forest brings the smell
of decayed flesh, intensifies this desire for murder. Cycle of werewolf... Hells wrath
spawn, this night of rape and blood, I was born in the light of the fullmoon and
baptised in the scared blood of the wolf. Cycle of werewolf... Blood ritual I draw
the circle, feel so cold, yet my desire gives me diabolical heat. now the bad moon is
on the rise... I am trapped in its blaze, hatred poisons my veins, I'm cold and my
heart turns black, the blood moon is rising! I can't resist its infernal power, I go
through the forest at hell's pace, seek a prey, a woman to satisfy my dark desires!

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  • Snner Av Den Fimbulvetr
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    skyer dras ned i den evig undergan lynets lyd slr mot en blodig himmel vinden fra
    nord tar, med seg vr blasfemi til hel's distre rike, jeg vet at du oss ser, oh mor av de
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    inhabiting the tombs of the human kind!... No prayer can save you, the nights are too..."

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