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My Friend Song Lyrics
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When I'm unhappy and feeling lonely, and this old world of mine comes tumbling down, you are the someone on who I can depend, it's nice to know that I have you, my friend. When I get crazy, you understand me, you overlook the things I don't mean to say. You're there beside me whenever things go wrong, I'm never lonely knowing you're along. You and me, the two of us together, we go on and face the world whatever happens. No matter what gets in our way, we see it through from day to day. Right up until the very end, it's gonna be me and my friend. We share the good times, we share the bad times, we meet life head-on with its ups and its downs. Some people tell ya that life's a lonely ride, but not for us who travel side by side. You and me, the two of us together, we go on and face the world whatever happens. No matter what gets in our way, we see it through from day to day. Right up until the very end, it's gonna be me and my friend. I'm never lonely knowing you're along. You and me, the two of us together, we go on and face the world whatever happens. No matter what gets in our way, we see it through from day to day. Right up until the very end, it's gonna be me and my friend. It's gonna be me and my friend.
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