Neil Young - SUN GREEN Lyrics
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Neil Young Singer Lyrics
SUN GREEN Song Lyrics
Neil Young
Greendale (2003)
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Sun Green started makin' waves
On the day that Grandpa died
Speakin' out against anything
Unjust or packed with lies
She chained herself to a statue of an eagle
In the lobby of Power Co.
And started yelling through a megaphone,
"There's corruption on the highest floor."
Suits poured out of elevators
"You're all dirty."
Phoneheads began to speak
"You can't trust any of them."
Security couldn't get her down
She was welded to the eagle's beak.
Sun Green leaned into that megaphone, said,
"Truth is all I seek."
Security brought in some blow torches
News cameras recorded her speech,
"When the city is plunged into darkness
by an unpredicted rolling blackout
The White House always blames the governor
Saying the solution is to vote him out."
On top of that great bronze eagle
Sun's voice was loud and clear. She said,
"Power Co's working with the White House
to paralyze our state with fear."
It was a golden moment
In the history of TV news
No one could believe it
It just got great reviews
"Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too.
Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too.
Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too.
Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too."
The Imitators were playing
Down at Jon Lee's bar
When Sun went down to see ?em
Someone followed her in a car
Now when she goes dancin'
She has to watch her back
The FBI just trashed her room
One of them kicked her cat
Damn thing scratched his leg
So he had to shoot it dead
And leave it lyin' in a puddle of blood
At the foot of Sun Green's bed
Jon Lee's was rockin'
The Imitators drove it home
Sun was dancin' up a heat wave
For awhile she was all alone
When up walked a tall stranger
Shadowed her move to move
In perfect unison
A supernatural groove
He took her by the hand
And the room began to spin
He said, "I'm Earth; Earth Brown.
You know the shape I'm in.
"I'm leavin' tonight for Alaska
And I want you to come in the spring
And be a goddess in the planet wars
And save the living things.
"I'm ready to go right now,"
Sun Green told Earth Brown
"Let's go back to my place,
pick up my cat, and leave this town behind."
"Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too.
Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too.
Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too.
Hey, Mr. Clean."
Next day Sun Green got busted for pot
And it made the headline news
But then the charges all got dropped
And the story gets confused
?I'd still like to meet Julia Butterfly
And see what remedy brings
And be a goddess in the planet wars
Try to save the living things
"But that might not be easy
Livin' on the run
Mother Earth has many enemies
There's much work to be done
"Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too.
Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too.
Hey, Mr. Clean, you're dirty now, too.
Hey, Mr. Clean."
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There\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s just one thing, baby, I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'m askin\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' of you
Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t ever leave me, baby
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if you want to see other song lyrics from "Greendale" album, click "
Neil Young Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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