Nelly feat Anthony Hamilton - Nobody knows Lyrics
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Nobody knows Song Lyrics
Nelly feat Anthony Hamilton
Song Title:
Nobody knows
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I didnt know (where) there'd be troubles along the way,
nobody told me nothing (nobody told me nothing)nothin
yeah (x31)
i went through 8 different schools and 12 different years
thats 30 different teachers over 10,000 different peers
and i dint for new one got suspended every time
besides a few were feelin me and commited dirty crimes
but never braggin
i just want you to see me where i have been
i never proud of it
so i dont have to go back ther again
and i used to go like house to house
sleeping on couch to couch
walk around sticking out my hands
looking for a hand out
only thing got handed out was more bills
only thing that pulled me out was my will
god told me the sun dont chill
told me to make use of one of these skills
aint for that our or go and beat the block
aint no way u can heat the cops
aint no way i could beat the clock
its just a matter of time shut down you shot
stay up day and night, livin this way of life
i was young and restless
all my children came and then i had a guiding light
no more that sittin main
sitting and waiting and thinkin
that somebody coming to take me up off the streets
but now i know
nobody told me that road would be easy
i dont beleive i made it this far
my whole life and i've been working so hard
and i know
nobody told me that the road would be easy
i cant believe i made it this far
my whole life and i've been working so hard
and i know
i say and now im saying
i can stay here and count on one hand
how many people see me graduate
i know a few that did betta bunch that eight
seeing folks showin up in swarms
waiting for me to go on
wanna see nelly perform
buts whats all before
i becam this house hold name
i was playin on little league games
nobody cared if i go on for three
nobody out here routin for me
and my mama supported me in everything
while she did everything
some people got the nerve to ask
yall kiss my ass, that my mama
that sister didnt need my help
in a game we soght no wealth
give anythin that i had just to see her in perfect health
now we out here complaining i got work to do
how bad you think you got it
somebody else got i worse then you
and i had a up n dont plan on coming back down
dont plan or leaving her no time soon
when i got to comfortable now
wont have no knowledgable wealth
without no knowledge urself
no i keep walking this road
my mind body and soul
(and i know and i know and i know)
nobody told me that road would be easy
i dont beleive i made it this far
my whole life and i've been working so hard
and i know
nobody told me that the road would be easy
i cant beleive i made it this far
my whole life and i've been working so hard
and i know
i didnt know therd be toubles along the way
nobody told me nothing
ther was nobody to ease my pain
and ive been walking this road
for forever and a day
now im in search for something
for someone to help me find my way
and now i know
nobody told me that road would be easy
i dont beleive i made it this far
my whole life and i've been working so hard
and i know
nobody told me that the road would be easy
i cant beleive i made it this far
my whole life and i've been working so hard
and i know
nobody told me that road would be easy
i dont believe i made it this far
my whole life and i've been working so hard
and i know
nobody told me that the road would be easy
i cant beleive i made it this far
my whole life and i've been working so hard
and i know
repeat to fade
Nobody knows Lyrics
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