Nelson Rick - Louisiana Man Lyrics

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Artist: Nelson Rick
Song Title: Louisiana Man
Visits: 669
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At first mom and papa called their little boy Ned

They raise him on the banks of the river bed

A houseboat tied to a big tall tree a home for my papa and my mama and me

The clock strikes three papa jumps to his feet

Already mama's cookin' papa somethin' to eat

At half past papa he's ready to go he jumps in his piro headed down the bayou

He's got fishin' lines strung across the Louisiana River

Gotta catch a big fish for us to eat

He's settin' his traps catchin' anything he can

Gotta make a livin' he's a Louisiana man gotta make a livin' he's a Louisiana man

Muskart hides hanging by the dozen even got a little baby muskart's cousin

Gotta 'em fryin' in the hot hot sun tomorrow papa's gonna turn them into mon

[ dobro ]

They call mama Rita and my daddy Jack

My little baby brother on the floor that's Mac

Red and Lynn are the family twins big brother Ed's on the bayou fishin'

On the river float papa's great big boat that's how my papa goes into town

He takes every bit of the night and day

Then even reach the place where the people stay

I can hardly wait till tomorrow comes around

That's the day my papa takes his fures to town

Papa promised me that I could go even let me see a cowboy show

I saw the cowboys and Indians for the first time then I told my papa gotta go again

Papa said son we got the lines to run

We'll come back again cause there's work to be done

[ dobro ]

He's got fishin' lines...

Gotta make a livin' he's a Louisiana man gotta make a livin' he's a Louisiana man

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