Nelson Rick - Take A City Bride Lyrics

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Artist: Nelson Rick
Song Title: Take A City Bride
Visits: 624
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Whoa yey yay chertay bebe

Told mama et told papa di joh dit zhay dit par bon

I got a house on stilts a five dollar bill

A settin' on the banks of muddy muddy bayou

Lot better than the streets of crowded cars

Pawn shops friendly neighborhood bars

Ah but your mama and your papa won't let me come a courtin'

They says I can't make a good livin' for their child

Ah but the fish bites good the crawfish are plenty

Gonna make a lot of money when I take a city bride

[ dobro ]

Whoa yey yay...

I got a paint can't run your pappy's got a big dog

Snappin' at my heels get away you mangy hound

Light's still burning and the ladder by the window

Take a chance gonna make another round

Ah but your mama and your papa won't let me come courtin'

Says I can't make a good livin' for their child

Ah but the fish bites good the crawfish are plenty

Gonna make a lot of money when I take a city bride

[ dobro ]

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  • Congratulations
    "I can tell that you're already growing tired of me
    You are no part of me even strated lying to me
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    Congratulations to you dear you're doing fine..."
  • Down Home
    "Down home oh down home there used to be rivers and trees
    Fresh bread every single morning and sweet magnolia in the breeze
    Oh fishing lines and young dreams oh I hear them calling to me
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  • Down The Line
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    Yeah I wanna get some loving love that's truly fine..."
  • Dream Lover
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    A dream lover will come my way
    A girl to hold in my arms
    And know the magic of her charms..."

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