Neuraxis - To Pacify Lyrics

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Artist: Neuraxis
Neuraxis Author
Album: Truth - Imagery - Passage (CD 2) (2004)
Neuraxis - Truth - Imagery - Passage (CD 2) Album
Song Title: To Pacify
Visits: 644
Print Version

Betrayer.. it seema you didn't get enough of my generosity

Denial.. refuse to admit the moment of abuse you took upon me
Resign... the facts about your actions that
defy... the limit of diplomacy

Gain the attention to derive everything from the truth, to advantage

Hypocrit method of dellusion. Mediocre diversion
Seek to appropriate, whatever advantage needed

Twisted way of accusing the other. To avoid being suspected and judged
By accusing the other with twisted ways
You avoid being suspected and judged

Gain the attention, to pacify those you mislead and manipulated

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Other Neuraxis song Lyrics
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  • Fractionized
    "Intrepid forces of character fights hard proofs and reacts to disapointment.
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  • Imagery
    "Striving... Memories. Striving... Memories.
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    action transpired.
    Protein synthesis; Involved in learning...."
  • Structures
    "Numerous exits in my self dimension.
    Control the flesh instinct, support with your soul.
    The first betrayer, his own regret.
  • Mutiny
    "Brighten one falls unto ego temptations,
    then it corrupts his wisdom and splendor.
    Opposition against the will of the Greats.
    Premium treachery manifesto - "The declaration of liberty"...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Truth - Imagery - Passage (CD 2)" album, click "Neuraxis Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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