Oblivion - Why Lyrics

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Artist: Oblivion
Song Title: Why
Visits: 696
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why do we suffer?

why do we feel pain?

why do we laugh?

why dow we sorrow?

why do we live?

why do we die?

why do we seek peace?

why do we make war?

why do we hate?

why do we love?

why do we exist?

why do we destroy?

why do we need limits?

why do we have racism?

why do we kill?

why do we care at all?

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Other Oblivion song Lyrics
  • Faith
    "god has revealed a rightousness apart from the law
    a rightousness through faith in jesus christ to all who believe
    god presented jesus christ as a sacrifice trough faith in his blood
    you've been bought by the precious blood of Christ..."
  • Get Away
    "i see people all around me
    where am I
    i see nothing but darkness
    seeking kicks to feel good..."
  • How Could You
    "She was just a little girl on vacation
    She was just a little girl all on her own
    She was just a little girl on her way home
    She was just a little girl, how could you..."
  • IDW
    "identification wannabe
    acting like a robot
    manipulated by your idols
    when I look at you my soul cries..."
  • Pain In Pain Out
    waking up screaming by nightmares that haunts me
    darkness surrounds me and fills up my soul
    people say i'm dumb..."
  • Redeemed
    "open your eyes and see what's going on
    have you even heard about the risen son
    dont you know the meaning with your life
    i will tell you now and again, and again, and again..."
  • Renewal Of Our Minds
    "you god sometimes life it's so hard
    for I do it hard for my self
    so god help me from failing over and over again
    please lead me from temptation..."
  • Soverign God
    "sovereign, faithful, righteous, mercyful
    risen, alive, worthy, holy
    i kneel before your throne

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