Obtained Enslavement - Lucifers Lament Lyrics

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Artist: Obtained Enslavement
Song Title: Lucifers Lament
Genre: Rock
Visits: 646
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As he walked these desolated fields,
he felt his spirit weaken
These were the days that you know not,
this was long ago
The tortured soul of fathers old
was his to seek revenge for
Those of pride who would not bend,
before the laws and gods of man

This was a race you have never seen
and neither will you ever
For these were haunted down
like beasts, by mortal fools
- the human race
In his quest for sweet revenge
he walked so tall and proud
Until he met a figure that now made
him fall and stumble blind

This was what his quest was for
not to seek revenge
This creature in a human shape,
with feelings so intense
He knew her as no other,
but not in shape of man
Their spirit re-united
as he took her by the hand
This was a race you have never seen
and neither will you ever
For these were haunted down like
beasts, by mortal fools
- the human race
In his quest for sweet revenge
he walked so tall and proud
until he met a figure that now made
him fall and stumble blind
This figure was of human race
A woman of such beauty
that he could not help
to stumble on his way to seek revenge
As he looked upon her face he saw
such passion in her eyes
It reminded him
of tales he had heard,
of mankind so-called paradise
Spirit torn from spirit
and spirit torn apart
When human race
saw through his mask,
and tore the two apart
Spirit torn from spirit
and spirit torn apart
Human race I curse thee
With all my blackened heart

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Other Obtained Enslavement song Lyrics
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    And forgotten were those who drowned in
  • The Goddess Lake
    "Through Centuries of sorrows I have wandered.
    With the Moonchildren have I searched.
    In the black and sour soil I have dug deeper.
    Possessed by a quest, to find truth in forgotten myths...."
  • Charge
    "Am I here to stay forever.......or not at all?
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    A last battle must be fought, for those of flesh.
    Total destruction - lay the soulblight in ash...."
  • Veils Of Wintersorrow
    "I am the shadow of your pain in existence
    You please my nocturnal hunger
    My hunger for the black moons arise from the white sky
    Unlighted by the frozen fires of winter..."
  • From Times In Kingdoms...
    "From times in kingdoms I have come
    The oaths I have sworn
    Never shall I deceive my quest
    I will gather the immortals to weep..."
  • Witchcraft
    "I am the face of the sky...
    ...And thou shall worship the night...
    The fog between the moons
    Thy life thou shall take from this..."
  • Warlock
    "We dance in the heart of the forest
    Our fingers cast no shadows
    Torches light the circle
    The coven begins..."
  • Torned Winds From A Past Star
    "A lightning rips the sky apart
    The ground is covered with snow
    The trees are torned by the winds from the past
    And the sky is left with scars..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Shepherd And The Hounds Of Hell" album, click "Obtained Enslavement Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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