Ochs Phil - Cops Of The World Lyrics

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Artist: Ochs Phil
Song Title: Cops Of The World
Visits: 660
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Phil Ochs

Come, get out of the way, boys
Quick, get out of the way
You'd better watch what you say, boys
Better watch what you say
We've rammed in your harbor and tied to your port
And our pistols are hungry and our tempers are short
So bring your daughters around to the port
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

We pick and choose as please, boys
Pick and choose as please
You'd best get down on your knees, boys
Best get down on your knees
We're hairy and horny and ready to shack
And we don't care if you're yellow or black
Just take off your clothes and lay down on your back
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

Our boots are needing a shine, boys
Boots are needing a shine
But our Coca-Cola is fine, boys
Coca-Cola is fine
We've got to protect all our citizens fair
So we'll send a battalion for everyone there
And maybe we'll leave in a couple of years
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

And dump the reds in a pile, boys
Dump the reds in a pile
You'd better wipe off that smile, boys
Better wipe off that smile
We'll spit through the streets of the cities we wreck
And we'll find you a leader that you can elect
Those treaties we signed were a pain in the neck
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

And clean the johns with a rag, boys
Clean the johns with a rag
If you like you can use your flag, boys
If you like you can use your flag
We've got too much money we're looking for toys
And guns will be guns and boys will be boys
But we'll gladly pay for all we destroy
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

Please stay off of the grass, boys
Please stay off of the grass
Here's a kick in the ass, boys
Here's a kick in the ass
We'll smash down your doors, we don't bother to knock
We've done it before, so why all the shock
We're the biggest and the toughest kids on the block
And we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

And when we butchered your sons, boys
When we butchered your sons
Have a stick of our gum, boys
Have a stick of our bubble gum
We own half the world, oh say can you see
And the name for our profits is democracy
So, like it or not, you will have to be free
'Cause we're the Cops of the World, boys
We're the Cops of the World

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Other Ochs Phil song Lyrics
  • A Toast To Those Who Are Gone
    "C Am
    Many's the hour I've lain by my window
    C Am
    and thought of the people who carried the burden..."
  • Another Age
    "Am E Am E Am
    There's a man walking round the island with a snake cane
    Am E Am E Am
    He picked it up in Thailand from a hurricane..."
  • Another Country
    "Oh, a rifle took its aim and a man fell to the ground.
    A time of terror when the bullet pierced the air --
    I know that couldn't happen here.
    Oh, it must have been another country --..."
  • Automation Song
    "G B7 Em Am7 D7 G
    Oh I laid down your railroads, every mile of track.
    B7 Em Am7 D7 G
    With the muscles on my arm and the sweat upon my back...."
  • Ballad Of Medgar Evers
    "Em G D
    In the state of Mississippi many years ago
    Am Em
    A boy of 14 years got a taste of southern law..."
  • Ballad of Oxford (Jimmy Meredith)
    "I'll sing you a song about a southern town where the devil had his rule
    When marshalls faced an angry mob to send one man to school
    His name was Jimmy Meredith
    the tide he helped to turn..."
  • Ballad of William Worthy
    "Well, it's of a bold reporter whose story I will tell
    He went down to the Cuban land, the nearest place to hell
    He'd been there many times before, but now the law does say
    The only way to Cuba is with the CIA..."
  • Bound For Glory
    "D A7
    He walked all over his own growin' land
    From the New York island to the California sand..."

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