Ochs Phil - How Long Lyrics

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Artist: Ochs Phil
Song Title: How Long
Visits: 680
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Pre> b em c7 d em

How long, how long can we go on

F#g b

How long, how long can we go on,

C d

This troubled land may never last

C d em

There is no future in the past

How far, how far have we gone

How far, how far have we gone,

So many battles without a gain (so many struggles have we lost)

So many young men lost in vain. (so many men on the cross)


G d

Why the fear of the coming of the morning?

G em

Why the trembling at the call?

G d

Cant we hear the final warning,

C em

Cant we see the writing on the wall?

So many years before the dawn,

So many years before the dawn,

So many children have never grown

So many cannonballs have flown.

(so many dogs have hid their bone)

So many rains have had to fall,

So many rains have had to fall,

So many storms before the flood

So many rainbows red with blood.

Why the fear of the comin of the morning?

Why the trembling at the call?

Cant we hear the final warning?

Cant we see the writing on the wall?

How long, how long can we go on

How long, how long can we go on,

This troubled land may never last

There is no future in the past. /pre>

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Other Ochs Phil song Lyrics
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    C Am
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  • Automation Song
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  • Ballad Of Medgar Evers
    "Em G D
    In the state of Mississippi many years ago
    Am Em
    A boy of 14 years got a taste of southern law..."
  • Ballad of Oxford (Jimmy Meredith)
    "I'll sing you a song about a southern town where the devil had his rule
    When marshalls faced an angry mob to send one man to school
    His name was Jimmy Meredith
    the tide he helped to turn..."
  • Ballad of William Worthy
    "Well, it's of a bold reporter whose story I will tell
    He went down to the Cuban land, the nearest place to hell
    He'd been there many times before, but now the law does say
    The only way to Cuba is with the CIA..."
  • Bound For Glory
    "D A7
    He walked all over his own growin' land
    From the New York island to the California sand..."

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