Ochs Phil - Joe Hill Lyrics

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Artist: Ochs Phil
Song Title: Joe Hill
Visits: 632
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F Fsus F C (open D stringthen back on 2nd fret)
Joe Hill come over from Sweden shores
F Fsus F C
Looking for some work to do
F C Am
And the Statue of Liberty waved him by
C (Open D stringplace finger on G st. 2nd fretreturn)
As Joe come a sailing through, Joe Hill
C G7 C
As Joe come a sailing through.

Oh his clothes were coarse and his hopes were high
As he headed for the promised land
And it took a few weeks on the out-of-work streets
Before he began to understand
Before he began to understand

And Joe got hired by a bowery bar
sweeping up the saloon
As his rag would sail over the baroom rail
Sounded like he whistled on a tune
You could almost hear him whistling on a tune

And Joe rolled on from job to job
From the docks to the railroad line
And no matter how hungry the hand that wrote
In his letters he was always doing fine
In his letters he was always doing fine

Oh, the years went by like the sun goin' down
slowly turn the page
And when Joe looked back at the sweat upon his tracks
He had nothing to show but his age
He had nothing to show but his age

So he headed out for the California shore
There things were just as bad
So he joined the industrial workers of the world
'Cause, The union was the only friend he had
'Cause, The union was the only friend he had

Now the strikes were bloody and the strikes were black
as hard as they were long
In the dark of night Joe would stay awake and write
In the morning he would raise them with a song
In the morning he would raise them with a song

And he wrote hi

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Other Ochs Phil song Lyrics
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    C Am
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  • Another Age
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  • Another Country
    "Oh, a rifle took its aim and a man fell to the ground.
    A time of terror when the bullet pierced the air --
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    Oh, it must have been another country --..."
  • Automation Song
    "G B7 Em Am7 D7 G
    Oh I laid down your railroads, every mile of track.
    B7 Em Am7 D7 G
    With the muscles on my arm and the sweat upon my back...."
  • Ballad Of Medgar Evers
    "Em G D
    In the state of Mississippi many years ago
    Am Em
    A boy of 14 years got a taste of southern law..."
  • Ballad of Oxford (Jimmy Meredith)
    "I'll sing you a song about a southern town where the devil had his rule
    When marshalls faced an angry mob to send one man to school
    His name was Jimmy Meredith
    the tide he helped to turn..."
  • Ballad of William Worthy
    "Well, it's of a bold reporter whose story I will tell
    He went down to the Cuban land, the nearest place to hell
    He'd been there many times before, but now the law does say
    The only way to Cuba is with the CIA..."
  • Bound For Glory
    "D A7
    He walked all over his own growin' land
    From the New York island to the California sand..."

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