Ochs Phil - Pleasures Of The Harbor Lyrics

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Artist: Ochs Phil
Song Title: Pleasures Of The Harbor
Visits: 600
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E - a b7

And the ship sets the sail


Theyve lived the tale

C#m f#m

To carry to the shore

A6 e

Straining at the oars

G#7 c#m

Or staring from the rail

E -a b7

And the sea bids farewell


She waves in swells

C#m f#m

And sends them on their way

A6 e

Time has been her pay

G#7 c#m

And time will have to tell

A g#m

Soon your sailing will be over

D eb c#m

Come and take the pleasures of the har - bor

And the anchor hits the sand

The hungry hands

Have tied them to the port

The hour will be short

For leisure on the land

And the girls scent the air

They seem so fair

With paint on their face

Soft is their embrace

To lead them up the stairs

Soon your sailing will be over

Come and take the pleasures of the harbor

In the room dark and dim

Touch of skin

He asks her of her name

She answers with no shame

And not a sense of sin

Until the fingers draw the blinds

Sip of wine

The cigarette of doubt

The candle is blown out

The darkness is so kind

Soon your sailing will be over

Come and take the pleasures of the harbor

And the shadows frame the light

Same old sight

Thrill has blown away

Now all alone they lay

Two strangers in the night

Till his heart skips a beat

Hes on his feet

To shipmates he must join

Shes counting up the coins

Hes swallowed by the street

Soon your sailing will be over

Come and take the pleasures of the harbor

In the bar hangs a cloud

The whiskeys loud

Theres laughter in their eyes

The lonely in disguse

Are clinging to the crowd

And the bottle fills the glass

The haze is fast

Hes trembling for the taste

Of passion gone to waste

In memories of the past

Soon your sailing will be over

Come and take the pleasures of the harbor

In the alley, red with rain

Cry of pain

For love was but a smile

Teasing all the while

Now dancing down the drain

till the boys reach the dock

They gently mock

Lift him on their backs

Lay him on his rack

And leave beneath the light

Soon your sailing will be over

Come and take the pleasures of the harbor

And the ship sets the sail

Theyve lived the tale

To carry from the shore

Straining at the oars

Or staring from the rail

And the sea bids farewell

She waves in swells

And sends them on their way

Time has been her pay

And time will have to tell

Soon your sailing will be over

Come and take the pleasures of the harbor


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    In the state of Mississippi many years ago
    Am Em
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  • Ballad of William Worthy
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    He went down to the Cuban land, the nearest place to hell
    He'd been there many times before, but now the law does say
    The only way to Cuba is with the CIA..."
  • Bound For Glory
    "D A7
    He walked all over his own growin' land
    From the New York island to the California sand..."

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