Ochs Phil - The Marines Have Landed On The Shores Of Santo Dom Lyrics

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Artist: Ochs Phil
Song Title: The Marines Have Landed On The Shores Of Santo Dom
Visits: 597
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Phil Ochs

And the crabs are crazy, they scuttle back and forth, the sand is burning
And the fish take flight and scatter from the sight, their courses turning
As the seagulls rest on the cold cannon nest, the sea is churning.
The marines have landed on the shores of Santo Domingo.

The fishermen sweat, they're pausing at their nets, the day's a-burning
As the warships sway and thunder in the bay, loud the morning.
But the boy on the shore is throwing pebbles no more, he runs a-warning
That the the marines have landed on the shores of Santo Domingo.

The streets are still, there's silence in the hills, the town is sleeping
And the farmers yawn in the grey silver dawn, the fields they're keeping
As the first troops land and step into the sand, the flags are weaving.
The marines have landed on the shores of Santo Domingo.

The unsmiling sun is shining down upon the singing soldiers
In the cloud dust whirl they whistle at the girls, they're getting bolder
The old women sigh, think of memories gone by, they shrug their shoulders.
The marines have landed on the shores of Santo Domingo.

Ready for the tricks, their bayonets are fixed, now they are rolling
And the tanks make tracks past the trembling shacks where fear's unfolding
All the young wives afraid, turn their backs to the parade with babes they're holding
The marines have landed on the shores of Santo Domingo

A bullet cracks the sound, the army hit the ground, the sniper's callin'
So they open their guns, a thousand to one, no sense in stalling
He clutches at his head and totters on the edge, look now he's falling
The marines have landed on the shores of Santo Domingo

In the red plaza square, the crowds come to stare, the heat is leaning
And the eyes of the dead are turning every head to the widows screaming
But the soldiers make a bid, giving candy to the kids, their teeth are gleaming
The marines have landed on the shores of Santo Domingo

Up and down the coast, the generals drink a toast, the wheel is spinning
And the cowards and the whores are peeking through the doors to see who's winning
But the traitors will pretend that it's getting near the end, when it's beginning
The marines have landed on the shores of Santo Domingo

And the crabs are crazy, they scuttle back and forth, the sand is burning
And the fish take flight and scatter from the sight, their courses turning
As the seagulls rest on the cold cannon nest, the sea is churning
The marines have landed on the shores of Santo Domingo

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Other Ochs Phil song Lyrics
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    C Am
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  • Another Country
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    A time of terror when the bullet pierced the air --
    I know that couldn't happen here.
    Oh, it must have been another country --..."
  • Automation Song
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    Oh I laid down your railroads, every mile of track.
    B7 Em Am7 D7 G
    With the muscles on my arm and the sweat upon my back...."
  • Ballad Of Medgar Evers
    "Em G D
    In the state of Mississippi many years ago
    Am Em
    A boy of 14 years got a taste of southern law..."
  • Ballad of Oxford (Jimmy Meredith)
    "I'll sing you a song about a southern town where the devil had his rule
    When marshalls faced an angry mob to send one man to school
    His name was Jimmy Meredith
    the tide he helped to turn..."
  • Ballad of William Worthy
    "Well, it's of a bold reporter whose story I will tell
    He went down to the Cuban land, the nearest place to hell
    He'd been there many times before, but now the law does say
    The only way to Cuba is with the CIA..."
  • Bound For Glory
    "D A7
    He walked all over his own growin' land
    From the New York island to the California sand..."

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