October Project - A Lonely Voice Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> O>> October Project Singer Lyrics>> A Lonely Voice Song Lyrics
Artist: October Project
October Project Author
Album: October Project (1993)
October Project - October Project Album
Song Title: A Lonely Voice
Genre: Rock: Folk-Rock
Visits: 620
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I keep looking back
A lifetime back
Across the desert
In a desert where no one can explain
You tell me God is dancing in the rain

I can hear the echo
In a maze of words
A lonely voice behind a door
Can you hear me calling
From a world away
A lonely voice behind a door

I keep looking back
Traditions back
Across the centuries
In a century where no one can explain
You tell me God is dancing in the rain

I can hear the echo
In a maze of words
A lonely voice behind a door
Can you hear me calling
From a world away
A lonely voice behind a door

As I stare ahead
A dream ahead
Across the ocean
Cross an ocean where there's nothing to explain
You tell me God is laughing in the rain

I can hear the echo
In a maze of words
A lonely voice behind a door
Can you hear me calling
From a world away
A lonely voice behind a door

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Other October Project song Lyrics
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    Deep as you go i?ll follow
    Deep as the water goes
    All the world is hollow and dry..."
  • Something More Than This
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    There is always something to return to, something you allow to slip away
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    There is always something to remember, something to remember, to begin..."
  • Sunday Morning Yellow Sky
    "And the night ahead is a long and uncertain dream
    At the broken heart of the city
    Where the hollow light of day never reaches in
    A man can break down and fall into pieces..."
  • Adam And Eve
    "Only ever really one story
    A boy and a girl and a dream of the world, an apple, a kiss
    A moment of sky, a moment you choose without knowing why
    Burning like a fever inside you..."
  • Johnny
    "There was Johnny like a stranger
    Living in a small town
    Measuring the small time
    He was thinner than a razor..."
  • Funeral In His Heart
    "He had a dream
    It was haunting him at night
    It would fly into his hands
    So he tried to cage it..."
  • After The Fall
    "In a city of faces
    That never look back
    Where doors never open
    And eyes never meet..."
  • One Dream
    "In this dream of life and death
    I know so much I will forget
    I know your body and your breath
    I know your rhythm and your touch..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "October Project" album, click "October Project Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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