Odd Squad - Coughee Lyrics

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Artist: Odd Squad
Song Title: Coughee
Visits: 637
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[ Devin ]

Hey muthafuckas, guess what I got

I just came from the spot and I scooped up a pot

Of this good coughee, I got it right up under my hat

It's in a brown paper sack, it's a dime and it's fat

Pass me a swisher so I can twist a

Nice fat muthafuckin spliff for ya, mister

Shit, cause I'm ready to get wired up

First I lick the leaf and I tie it up

Get the lighter and fire it up

But bitch, when you get it don't be tryin to hit it hard

So you cough and you joke and you slob and you fart

Fuckin round with my coughee, bitch, you better be cautious

Cause hoe, you know I roll big old horse dicks

To keep you blowed higher than giraffe nut

I spend my last ten even if I need a half cut

My girlfriend trippin out she don't understand why

I come in fucked up every night and I

Drink about two or three coughees in the mornin

(Bitch get off it, I gotta have coughee)

I get high so I try to keep a whole pile on it

(I gotta have coughee)

So if you know where to get a fat dime, bitch, I want it

(Bitch get off it, I gotta have coughee)

Just go and get the weed, hoe, I got five on it

(I gotta have coughee)

[ Devin ]

A nice good cup of coughee, somethin for your head

I keep a sack on my back just like ( ? )

At your door in the morning, hoe, get up, roll a square

I got some weed that's guaranteed to make your eyeballs bleed

Not a dime this time but a nice fat quarter

We call our shit coughee but we don't dip it in that water

Just straight weed, muthafuckas, no sugar no cream

Save all that shit for all them old school dopefiends

This dedicated to my fellow coughee drinkers

Like Corey, Dexter, Keith and Crhis, I like to thank y'all

For comin by the crib when I'm broke to get a nigga full

(Smokin that weed) and drinkin Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull

Cause when I rap, that's all I need

And a friend with weed, now that's a friend indeed

Yo and since I'm unemployed and every day is my off-day

I kick off my shoes and I booze and I choose to drink coughee


[ Devin ]

I know your breath get stank (a-ha), your throat get dry (yeah)

But I like gettin high, bitch, I'm blowed right now

I got a brew in my hand, Lil' James can't understand

Why we stumblin through the studio drunk again

Drinkin coughee, eyes red, tight and shiny

When the laws get behind me, yo, my nuts don't get tiny

I just reach up under my seat and get my heat and get em off me

Cause they took my driver's license but them bitches can't have my


(Gotta have coughee)

Oh I gots to have coughee

(Gotta have coughee)

I said I gots to have coughee

(Gotta have coughee)

Don't fuck with my coughee

(I gotta have coughee)

Oh hoe, you know I'm finna go

and score me some mo'

and I be back in half an hour or so

with some coughee

(Gotta have coughee)

What a nigga need is some coughee

(Gotta have coughee)

(Gotta have coughee)

I gots to have sess

(Gotta have coughee)

I gots to have skunk

(Gotta have coughee)

I gots to have indo

(Gotta have coughee)

That shit ain't no punk

(I gotta have coughee)

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