Odetta - Whyn Why Lyrics

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Artist: Odetta
Song Title: Whyn Why
Visits: 732
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Why an' why an' why 'an why
Why an' why an' why
Why an' why an' why an' why
Why an' why an' why
Why an' why an' why an' why
Why an' why an' why
Why an' why an' why an' why
Why an' why an' why an why
Why an' why an' why
Because, because, because, because (Laughing)
Why an' why an' why an' why
Why an' why an' why
Because, because, because, because
Goodnight, goodnight
Why can't a mouse eat a streetcar
Why an' why an' why
Because a mouse's stomach is too small to hold a streetcar
Goodnight, goodnight
Why does a camel drink water
Why an' why an' why
Because a camel gets thirsty
Like you and me and everybody else does
Goodnight, goodnight
Why can't a cow have kittens
Why an' why an' why
Because a cow has little calves and a cat has little kittens
And besides it's easier this way goodnight, goodnight
Why don't you answer my questions
Why an' why an' why
Cause I don't know the answers, goodnight, goodnight

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