OFTB - Body and Soul Lyrics
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Body and Soul Song Lyrics
Song Title:
Body and Soul
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(inhaling) My last time gettin' high
Verse 1:
Fallin' in love ain't no joke
Some praise dope like the Catholic praise the pope
I'm looking at my life thrugh the hour glass
How much longer in this world will I last
Boostin' basein' one of the cops chasin'
Big time I be facin' in need of a vacation
Got hooked in a year never kicked the habit
First day on the streets i still had to have it (body and soul)
Back on the scene a full fleded fiend
Pull a scheme and get high by all means
A quarter spoon a day is my medicene
I ain't never had a high that was better than
When I'm nodding drifting in my own zone
I wanna be left all alone
Some front like they high, but they ain't high
The ultimate high is when you die
Please tell me why. I'm hooked on this dope.
It's got me feeling out of control
I can't deny (no no) that I need help
It's taking over my body and soul body and soul
Verse 2:
Being addicted to this dope makes me wonder
Will it be another dose that'll take me under
Or another dope fiend with the same habit
Puttin' a knife in my back like a street savage
And the road that I travel is a dark route
From one stop to another then the jail house
It seems that I'm waiting on my day to pass
Methodul is what I'm on no I can't last (body and soul)
As I withdraw dripped with sweat to make it through the night
But trying to kick this freakin' habit is a strong fight
I seen my girl overdose it's been 3 days
Impuleses convulses send me in a daze
I can hear 2Pac tellin' me to be strong
But my nigga got stoned and left us out here alone
I know I gots to quit before my future unfolds
This shit got the best of my body and soul
"Picture your dreams on a triple beam"
"Don't underestimate the power of the bitches"
Verse 3:
I'm lost and turned out, do anything for a fix
Dying slow and can't seem to kick the habit
Shot up so much dope I can't fing a good vein
But when I ain't high my whole bodys in pain
So everyday I'm searching for that dogs food
A lost sould in the ghetto like a whirlpool
In a shack with 5 other dope fiends
Who got tracks damn near lower than a Soul Train
And it's a shame cause all it took was one hit
Straight to the vein now they got a nigga losin' it
A true hustler having money turned junky
I wanna stop but they say I can't shake the monkey
Off my back, I even tried to go cold turkey
But all it did was make me fiend more and mentally hurt me
Quickly running out of time I got to watch the clock
So on McDownly Street caught up in Gridlock'd
Hook (x2
Body and Soul Lyrics
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*record is suddenly cut off*
Hold it now wait hold it
That's PLAYED out *DJ cuts and scratches* hit it!..."
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