OFTB - Crack Em Lyrics
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Crack Em Song Lyrics
Song Title:
Crack Em
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CRACK let me at 'em let me at 'em let me at 'em
So I CRACK let me at 'em let me at 'em let me at 'em
Although about a million to this shit to be tooken out
And for you fools who let us in good lookin' out
Now let us make our doe don't want no one enfore this
Lookin' out for all our niggas who support this
And for you motherfucers waitin' for that break up
The Bottom is creepin' to the top you better wake up
Because an obstacle is not impossible
We'll go over or crawl under like a rock-a-roach
And don't you ever think you fools are gonna play us
Because again not even Raid couldn't fade us
I fought us in and now we goin' for that platinum
Comin' back with album three you know we crackin' 'em
Hook (x3)
In 1983 we was upstate
We wasn't thinkin' about parole we had x-dates
I put the P into paper to free my mind
Once a nigga get released I gotta get mine
I never knew I had to struggle in this industry
But stop rockin' the mic they said it couldn't be
So in the meantime the inbetween time
I kept writting in the hall where it's cold
Cause I couldn't sto fight
Five years later I hit the streets
I found my niggas we got it together flowin' on T.V.
We had to come up with some money cause the shit costs
(Who broke it off?) My nigga G.T. and the motherfuckin' boss
We made song after song for the bitches and the homies
While y'all was at home lookin' at videos of the phonies
Now the Bottom is comin' back with a killing flow
So make room for a nigga on Death Row
And let us...
Project kids three niggas living on the edge
In other words we're damn near dead
But hunters don't choke we go for broke
And y'all thought it was over
They say it ain't over till the fat lady sings
What that hoe don't know nothin' about the noise that I bring
Let that hoe rock that note and I'm a killer her (kill her)
If that snipe got hype off that Miller
Tickin' like time bomb (BOOM)
I'm dangerous straight up watch you motherfuckers can't fuck with us
Come around and get beat down or either shot down
In other words don't fuck around
I'm stressin' to the max I'm stressin' to the max
I knew I shouldn't of signed that motherfuckin' contract
But all I wanted to do was put my voice on a track
Never thought my album hit a flip flop fag
A flip flop gag a flip flop fag
They let a nigga for dead but we got against that
They put me on a sound they put me on a sound
They said I'm gonna rule but they already left
So tackin' a rapper a nigga had no patience
I'm crackin' motherfuckers with no hesitation
Crack Em Lyrics
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*record is suddenly cut off*
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