OG Style - Knowledge is the Gift Lyrics

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Artist: OG Style
Song Title: Knowledge is the Gift
Visits: 673
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[ VERSE 1: The E ]

As I sit back and think about our problems

What's goin on and how we gonna solve em

Black man sellin us out to the other color

But try to keep it undercover

I understand all that cause it's a money thing

But if that's the case, then let money bring

Peace and joy to the ones that need a new start

And let the greed depart

When I ask how you're livin you shout it out

Now it's time to get together and talk about

It doesn't matter about your color, let's take a stand

Comin out the mouth of a black man

You say we should unite and be as one

And then you see me on the rise and grab a shotgun

A lotta nerve you show as you stand stiff

But my knowledge is the gift

[ VERSE 2: The E ]

I bring a lotta thought to what's happenin

The new jack swing's in effect and I'm rappin

I wanna talk to your eardrums straight up

And give your mind a little time to wake up

Who says we have to be the lesser one?

Put your best foot forward and be the better one

Open up your eyes to a new sight

And if you do it for yourself you know it's done right

If you're black, yo, they figure you want a hand-out

Then they question your mind because you stand out

If you speak for your piece then you're militant

That's the way that we're taught by our government

I don't wanna hear that, save it for the next man

I got a mind of my own and I don't give a damn

Yo, a lotta nerve you show as you stand stiff

But my knowledge is the gift

[ VERSE 3: The E ]

Now it's time to decide how we wanna live

If we all stand together something's gotta give

A lotta times we're the reason for the negative thoughts

They come across, so the battle's lost

Put your pride in your pocket if you're selfish

My temperature's runnin hot so I'ma melt this

When I say down with Jack I mean Ant Jack

Some brothers say I ain't down because I know jack

Knowledge is the gift that I'm teachin

And the highest plateau's where I'm reachin

Forget the stereotype and world hype

That says you have to be white in order to do right

Why don't we all just unite and take a stand?

Comin out the mouth of a black man

A lotta nerve you show as you stand stiff

But my knowledge is the gift

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