OK Go - What To Do Lyrics

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Artist: OK Go
OK Go Author
Album: OK Go (2002)
OK Go - OK Go Album
Song Title: What To Do
Genre: Indie
Visits: 680
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Come on in, sweetie-pie! Have an apple, have some lye...
Leave your friends, righteous and pathetic, standing at the door.
On the books, all your bets favor head-bands and cassettes,
cigarettes, suffragettes, and bores.

What to do?
Sweetheart, you'll find mediocre people do exceptional things all
the time.
Oh, the ruin will do in your talented mind...
could've been a genius if you'd had an axe to grind.

When we moved to the city, it seemed the competition got so much
less pretty
but the,the, mirror's never failed you like this before.
So your revenge on the world will be pencils through your curls
and if wanting ever taught you anything, it's wanting more.
(and more and more and more...)

What to do?
Sweetheart, you'll find mediocre people do exceptional things all
the time.
Oh, the ruin will do in your talented mind...
could've been a genius if you'd had an axe to grind.
What to do?

When that day finally nears, you'll at least have made it clear
that compassion's just a nicer way of looking down your nose.
It seems that all the people want to do is crowd the streets of
Amsterdam (Pamplona, too),
but the bulls have already come and gone and bellowed all their
Now nobody knows

what to do.
Sweetheart, you'll find mediocre people do exceptional things all
the time.
Oh, the ruin will do in your talented mind...
Could've been a genius if you'd had an axe to grind.
What to do?

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Other OK Go song Lyrics
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    "Lot of knots, lot of snags,
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    lot of fools, lot of fool scum bags.
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    don't sigh, don't sip your iced tea...."
  • Youre So Damn Hot
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    I saw you slippin out the back door, Baby
    Dont even try and find a line
    This time, its fine, Darlin youre still divine..."
  • 1,000 Miles Per Hour
    "'Nother long, quiet night.
    Another long quiet lonely night, oh.
    Spent at your side.
    Not a lot left to say...."
  • Shortly Before The End
    "How long did we all think ,
    This all would last?
    Who could have counted days,
    As they flew past?..."
  • Return
    "Now its years since your body went flat and even memories of that
    are all think and dull, all gravel and glass. But who needs them
    can't remember your face.
  • Theres A Fire
    "Stop getting me off track.
    I mean it, there's a problem here.
    This time it is for, is for, is for, it is for real.
    How can I make myself more clear?..."
  • C-C-C-Cinnamon Lips
    "C-C-C-Cinnamon lips and candy kisses, on my tongue. Fun!
    B-B-B-Buttery eyes, if only cries could come from those eyes. Oh!
    Have you landed yet and, if so, would you let me know?
    I'm tired of looking up into those starry eyes...."
  • ...Show All
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