Oklahoma! Soundtrack - People Will Say Were In Love Lyrics

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Artist: Oklahoma! Soundtrack
Song Title: People Will Say Were In Love
Visits: 1030
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Why do they think up stories that link my name with yours?
Why do the neighbors gossip all day behind their doors?
I know a way to prove what they say is quite untrue
Here is the gist,
A practical list of "don'ts" fer you.
Don't throw bouquets at me
Don't please my folks to much
Don't laugh at my jokes too much.
People will say we're in love.

Laughs at your jokes-

Don't sigh and gaze at me.
Your sighs are so like mine.
Your eyes mustn't glow like mine
People will say we're in love!
Don't start collecting things
Give me my rose and my glove.
Sweetheart, they're suspecting things
People will say we're in love.

Some people claim that you are to blame as much as I
Why do you take the trouble to bake my fav'rite pie?
Grantin' your wish I carved our initials on that tree,
Just keep a slice of all the advice you give so free.
Don't praise my charm too much
Don't look so vain with me
Don't stand in the rain with me
People will say we're in love.

Don't take my arm to much
Don't keep your hand in mine
Your hand feels so grand in mine
People will say we're in love!
Don't dance all night with me
'till the stars fade from above
They'll see it's alright with me
People will say we're in love!

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    The door squeaks,
    There's a fieldmouse a-nibblin' on a broom.
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    Oh, what a beautiful day.
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  • Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin
    "There's a bright, golden haze on the meadow
    There's a bright, golden haze on the meadow.
    The corn is as high as an elephant's eye
    And it looks like it's climbing clear up to the sky...."

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