Ol Dirty Bastard w Method Man - Dirty Dancin Lyrics
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Ol Dirty Bastard w Method Man Singer Lyrics
Dirty Dancin Song Lyrics
Ol Dirty Bastard w Method Man
Song Title:
Dirty Dancin
Print Version
originally appeared on the Jerky Boys soundtrack, bonus cut on CD
* - was originally listed as a Wu-Tang Clan song
(Ol Dirty Bastard is doing a Martin Lawrence comedy skit from Raw)
(this is going on in the background during the Intro and part
of the first verse)
You know God damn well I don't smoke this shit Meth
*coughing* Know damn well I don't smoke this sheyit
Know damn well!
I remember when we used to go down to the creek
Member when we used to go down to the creek?
And used to dip your head in the water?
Everybody thought you had it in you, you know
You used to jump out the water
the water used to glisten alllllll over your bohhhhhhdy
What? I said the water used to glisten alllllll over your bohhhhhhdy
Intro: Ol Dirty Bastard
Clean out my vocals
Yeah, I said YEAH
I said zuckazuhzuhzuh, zuckazuhzuh
*more nonsense noises*
chkccha ckchcka Brooklyn, zucka Zoo
C'mon baby baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby, c'mon!
Verse One:
Superlogical this, superlogical that
I detect a nigga dialect by the way he rap
I elect myself President MC
My career so intelligent, unique physique
Then with mathematics, not democratic
static, topic, Asiatic
Zssshuh, them unique, never leak, brlaharl...
Bring it on back
Superlogical this, superlogical that
I detect your dialect by the way you rappp!
I elect myself President MC
My career so intelligent, unique physique
Doin mathematics and I'm not democratci
No static, topic, I'm Asiatic
See, I'm Unique, never... blarhalal...
Verse Two: Method Man, Ol Dirty Bastard
Crazy, lurkin in the shadows, I'm shady, sheisty
Get your weight up, don't take me lightly
Blasted, dirty to the grain I be stained with the madness
It's the Meth-Tical with the Bastard
MZA MZA my name is the Ol Dirty Bas
My gammmmme, to kick your ass
Dnnah duh dnnh dnnh duh duh!
Dnnah dnh duh duh duh dahhhhhh!
Flip and relax, take an Ex-Lax, I'm shittin
on the industry that was frontin now they missin
What everybody else is gettin
Cuz they wasn't representin the real...
...appeal, like me and, old time
When it comes to the microphone who killed the swine?
Be the original G
Do the rhymin on time and in the place to be
Interlude: Old Dirty Bastard, Method Man
You are now in my trance
You are getting sleeeeeepyyyyyy
You are now getting sleeeepyyyyy
and sleeeeppieeerrrrr
And sleepy, and sleepy
Verse Three: Method Man
This one here's for my people, my people
Enter the 36 chambers, the sequel
Part two, for me and the cipher troop
With the Teflon lyrics that you can't get through
With the twenty-two automatic rap you pack, what?
You ain't hittin with that wack shit you kickin
Straight from the beginning, of the game
All the way to the ninth inning, I bring the pain
Dark like the midnight train on the track by the RZA
Diesel like Arnold Schwarzanegger
Outro: Ol Dirty Bastard
The hardware, choose the hardware
Ask you a question, test the Ason
Extra extra, read the drama and thennn another one
which you intrigue, do your rap fatigue in the...
Here I go, aauhhh
(shit that makes me high) *2
*2 - leads into Harlem World on the album version
Dirty Dancin Lyrics
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