Old 97s - Holy Cross Lyrics

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Artist: Old 97s
Song Title: Holy Cross
Visits: 579
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You work for 37 years
Drivin' trucks, not shiftin' gears
He never got it in his head
To settle down, he'd never wed.

He liked the river how it flowed.
Unlike the breaker, never to explode.
It had no wires runnin' in
It just went on and on and on until the ocean got to it.

Holy Cross
Electric Association
Oh well it's more than a job
It's more like a damnation
Well it was my life, now it's my loss
Holy Cross

It was a honey of a night
He met his maker, he saw the light.
The car was passin' on a curve
He never slowed down, he never swerved.

And in the hot glare of the lamps
He had regrets, he'd never learned to dance.
There was no angel at his side
There was a purpose that became homeless when he died.

Holy Cross
Electric Association
Oh well it's more than a job
It's more like a damnation
Well it was my life, now it's my loss
Holy Cross
Electric Association
Oh well it's more than a job
It's more like a damnation
Well it was my life, now it's my loss
Holy Cross
Well it was my life, now it's my loss
Well it was my life, now it's my loss
Holy Cross

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Other Old 97s song Lyrics
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    I am easy in her midst,
    Why elaborate, when there's no need to?..."
  • Am I Too Late?
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    Now there's no more little girls in Pine Bluff,
    They all ran like tears out of this place...."
  • Barrier Reef
    "The Empty Bottle was half empty, tide was low, and I was thirsty.
    Saw her sitting at the bar, you know how some girls are,
    Always making eyes, well she wasn't making eyes.
    So I sidled up beside her, settled down and shouted,

  • Bel Air
    "I've been lightin' matches in the boiler room,
    Wearing sulphur perfume.
    You come sniffin' around just like you own the joint,
    You know it's rude to point...."
  • Big Brown Eyes
    "Big brown eyes, and a gust of wind,
    And the cherry burns the corner of the page that says ";The end
    Is coming soon,"; but not soon enough.
    Restring all your guitars. Pack up all your stuff...."
  • Bird In A Cage
    "I left you last night on the left coast
    I'm writin' you a letter right now
    The things that you do are rendering you
    Something I can't live without..."
  • Book Of Poems
    "Rowboat lightning I kissed her yeah it didn't mean a thing
    Seems like years ago it was yesterday
    Fire drill yell freeze don't hang around long face disease
    I got a book of poems that's gonna set you free..."
  • Broadway
    "In a hotel room just off Times Square it's like a closet
    I can watch the dancing class go round.
    In a hotel room that costs as much as my apartment
    I can watch the working class go down...."

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