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Saggin Guts Song Lyrics
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Old Kids On the Block
"Saggin' Guts"
We used to be a number one band;
Our songs went gold all over this land.
But just when we started to have some fun,
Our contracts got cut when we turned twenty-one,
And now we've got double chins and saggin' guts,
Saggin' guts and real fat butts.
So we're gonna give the comeback trail a try,
'Cause it always seemed to work for that Elvis guy.
We said it ain't over until the fat lady sings,
But Debbie Gibson's not available for anything
And you know she's got double chins and saggin' guts,
Saggin' guts and a real fat butt.
Double chins and saggin' guts,
Saggin' guts; her skin's real rough.
Girl, you know it's true;
I'm too old for you.
Well, maybe we're no objects of teenage lust,
But Milli Vanilli's even older than us
And you know they've got triple chins and saggin' guts,
Saggin' guts and real fat butts.
Triple chins and saggin' guts,
Saggin' guts, yeah.
Saggin' guts...
Real fat butts
| Saggin Guts Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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