Oldfield Mike - Family Man Lyrics
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Oldfield Mike Singer Lyrics
Family Man Song Lyrics
Oldfield Mike
Elements (1993)
Song Title:
Family Man
Print Version
She had a sulky smile,
She took a standard pose as she presented herself.
She had sultry eyes,
She made it perfectly plain that she was his for a price.
But he said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!"
He said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might...."
She wore hurt surprise
As she re-checked her make-up to protect herself.
She showed less than pride,
She made it totally clear that she was his for a price.
But he said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!
Please just leave me alone, I'm a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might...."
She gave him her look
That would have worked on any other man in sight.
He could not mistake,
She wanted to go back with him and spend the night.
But he said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!
Please just leave me alone, I'm a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might...."
She turned, tossed her head and then
She started to make her final exit line.
She showed real disdain,
As if explaining again she could be his for a price.
But he said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!"
He said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might...."
But he said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!"
He said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might...."
But he said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!"
He said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might...."
He said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man,
And my bark is much worse than my bite!"
He said, "Leave me alone, I'm a family man.
If you push me too far, I just might!"
Family Man Lyrics
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Other Oldfield Mike song Lyrics
"Sa-Na Gha-E E-Goo Ga-Ka E-Ge Ga-Ka Wroo
E-Ge Ga-Ka Wroo-Goo Goo Goo
Sa-Na Gha-E E-Goo Ga-Ka E-Ge A-Ka Wroo
E-Ge Ga-Ka Wroo-Goo Ga-Ga..."
"As Far Wrengo Delta
Cento Elto Rebishow
Novish Rama Esto Rama
Cento Rebishlow..."
Moonlight Shadow
"The last that ever she saw him
Carried away by a moonlight shadow
He passed on worried and warning
Carried away by a moonlight shadow...."
Heavens Open
"This is that morning,
It's waiting for you.
The face of destiny
Standing before you...."
Five Miles Out
"What do you do when your falling,
You've got 30 degrees and you're stalling out?
And it's 24 miles to your beacon;
There's a crack in the sky and the warning's out...."
To France
"Taking on water,
Sailing a restless sea
From a memory,
A fantasy...."
Foreign Affair
"Foreign affair.
Take a trip in the air
To a tropical beach,
An island to reach...."
Shadow On The Wall
"Shadow on the wall!
Shadow on the wall!
Shadow on the wall!
Shadow on the wall!..."
...Show All
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Oldfield Mike Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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