Oldfield Sally - Silver Dagger Lyrics
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Oldfield Sally Singer Lyrics
Silver Dagger Song Lyrics
Oldfield Sally
Femme (1987)
Song Title:
Silver Dagger
Print Version
Sunlight falling bright over the village garden walls
Moonlight showers gold where living water falls
People walk in splendour under trees hung in starlight
Candlelight lawns sweep down to the river that ripples on pebbles of turquoise
Fountains of golden light burst in quavers that float among the stars
The tables are laid with fruits of the wine and cedar from Samarkand
The golden gates are open wide for the people all over the land
A thousand dancing chandeliers shine in my lady's chamber
My lord comes swaying through the hall with a goblet of shining amber
Then nectar and brandy, wine and mead come flowing from shimmering springs
They all menuet to a string quartet and the Marquis's daughter shall sing
Gentle maidens walking in the garden
While they'r courted by the knights from the palace of love
They are all dressed in white with flowers of palest colour
They are all singing songs to the yellow moon above
Come to the Ball my love, sip sweet ambrosia
Tip in the forest Titania my love
Would you like brandy wine? Shall we go now and dine?
We'll do the merry minuet till the yellow moon has set
We shall dance through the midsummer night
Come my pretty Oberon trip, trip, trip
Come and sing a summer song trip, trip
I know a bank where cowslips trip
Whereon the wild thyme sits trip, trip
Dance in the midsummer night
Come my pretty puck and squeeze this magic flower
In the eyes of lovers in the midnight hour
This a flower of wonder is a magic seed
When they shall awake lay heaven at their feet
Would you like brandy wine?
Shall we go now and dine?
We'll do the merry minuet till the yellow moon has set
We shall dance through the midsummer night
Silver Dagger Lyrics
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Other Oldfield Sally song Lyrics
The Sun in My Eyes
A child of love is walkin' thro' the San Franciscan night
He's barefoot and his eyes are open wide with heavenly light
His head is covered over with leaves of darkest red..."
Answering You
The world was dark, he couldn't see the way
Guilt was in his heart
A broken glass in a blood stained hand..."
The Boulevard Song
Last night I couldn't stand the crowd
I went walking down by the sea
The full moon shone on the silver sand..."
I don't want your Apollo of frozen steel
I don't want your lies you teach my children to feel
So keep off my lovers moon or he'll blind thee..."
Sons of the Free
If you're ever gonna break my heart again
If you're ever gonna make me cry
If you're ever gonna run and leave me..."
Hide and Seek
You and I living life the way we always dreamed
The hours, the nights, the joining of our hands
Is our pledge to the world as woman and man..."
Man of Storm
O my love being your songs to my door
And come and rest inside
While the snow is falling coloured through..."
This is My Song
How clear is the night!
The early flowers of the Spring are showing
How warm is the wind!..."
...Show All
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Oldfield Sally Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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