Olive - You Are Nothing Lyrics

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Artist: Olive
Olive Author
Song Title: You Are Nothing
Visits: 811
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You allude to everything negative there was
Making out that's all we had
Couldn't you believe that there would be an end to it
All the good could be that bad

There is just one thing to say
There's a lesson here to learn, Can you use it in any way?
You are nothing without my love

Couldn't care if you decide today and run away
Always said we'd be apart
Wouldn't care if you begin, your life with someone else
You'd be back before you start

There is just one thing to say
There's a lesson here to learn, Can you use it in any way?

You are nothing without, You are nothing without,
You are nothing without my love

Laissez-faire approach is all you ever gave to me
Either way you didn't care
Maybe if you had the honesty you need to see
I'll wager everything you wouldn't dare

You are nothing without, You are nothing without,
You are nothing without my love

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