Olsen Twins - Raptor In The Woods Lyrics

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Artist: Olsen Twins
Song Title: Raptor In The Woods
Visits: 529
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Did you hear that did you hear it?
Yikes! I think it's over there.
It's a monster. It's the wind.
Does the wind have lots of hair?
Can a dinosaur be hairy?
Stop! We'll never get some sleep.
It's the wind, there's nothing scary.
Look! A prehistoric sheep!

Is that a raptor in the woods
The Loch Ness Monster swimming by
Something's made off with our goods
That must be Bigfoot just outside
Wait! There's a simple explanation.
It's just our imagination.
Things that scare us in the night.
Just seem funny when it's light.
Right? Right. Right. Right.
Goodnight. Goodnight. Goodnight.

Did you see that did you see it?
Giant shadows in the trees
It's a wombat. What's a wombat?
No, I think it's killer bees
No it's worse. It's from the iceage
Something time has left behind
It's a giant pterodactyl, with a little puny mind


You guys, you've heard my explanation,
It's just our imagination.
Who's around and hold me tight.
Just don't let the bedbugs bite
Right? Right. Right. Right. Goodnight.

But if I don't make it, give my goldfish to my twin.
I don't want your goldfish.
But you're my next of kin.
Sometimes you can't win.

Wait! I know the explanation.
It's not imagination.
Arm yourself it's time to fight
or let's book ourselves a flight
Right? Right. Right? Right. Right? Right. Right?


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  • B-U-T-T Out
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  • Broccoli and Chocolate
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