Olsen Twins - Sharks Lyrics

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Artist: Olsen Twins
Song Title: Sharks
Visits: 549
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Unlike the humpbacks, they never sing.
They don't do flips that's a dolphin thing.
You try to train 'em, it doesn't stick.
Cause sharks have only...only one trick.

Their main event is a set of teeth.
Plus they got extra teeth underneath.
Compared to mammals, they may seem crude.
But when it's time to come up with the food...

Sharks! They're as good as it gets,
at turning fish into fish croquettes.
Ahrks! They're state of the art.
They're the top of the heap.
The T-Rex of the deep.

They're anti-social, they got no grace.
Their only style is in your face.
They can hear the heartbeat of their next prey.
They can smell a meal a mile away.

Sharks! They're as good as it gets.
The seven seas are luncheonettes.
Sharks! They make terrible pets.
But as eating machines, they're as good as it gets.

Right! Now listen up.
There's so much know how in every show.
Nobody does it as well as they do.
Top of the food chain, respect must be paid.

Sharks! Yikes! They're incredible pros,
As far as chewing and swallowing goes.
Sharks! They make terrible pets.
But as eating machines, they're as good as it gets.

They're as good as it gets.
It's power breakfast with no regrets.

Sharks! They're state of the art.
They're top of the heap.
The T-Rex of the deep

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    She wants to come now, No way, no how!
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  • B-U-T-T Out
    "You want to come too. We know you do.
    And maybe someday you will.
    She wants to come now, No way, no how!
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  • Bravery
    "I've given up my nightlight 'cause I'm not scared of the dark.
    I've tasted buttermilk. Sat through Jurassic Park.
    I've taken off my training wheels, used adult shampoo.
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  • Broccoli Chocolate
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    I grabbed a big bar of chocolate
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    I tossed the chocolate in my cart..."
  • Broccoli and Chocolate
    "One day I was shopping in my local grocery store
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    I tossed the chocolate in my cart..."

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