Olsen Twins - The New Kid Lyrics

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Artist: Olsen Twins
Song Title: The New Kid
Visits: 545
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There once was kid
Who moved to the block
From down around the bend
He was a lonely new kid
And the new kid needed a friend

One day a boy on a bike rode by
The new kid waved and shouted
Hi! I'm the new kid
Would you be my friend?"

But...the boy on the bike said
"No indeed!
I've got all the friends I need!
However...I know a girl in gold
Who's very friendly, I'm told"

So, off they set on a little hike
The new kid and the boy on the bike
To find a friend for the new kid
'Cause the new kid needed a friend!

When they came to the girl in gold
The new kid tried to be very bold
"Hi! I'm the new kid
Would you be my friend?"

But...the girl in gold said "Eeww,eeww
I hate boys and that means you!...etc.
However...I know a tiny tyke
You would be someone she'd like"

So, the girl in gold and the boy on the bike
And the new kid all set off on a hike
To find a friend for the new kid
'Cause the new kid needed a friend!

They found the tyke sitting in her crib
Dribbling Gerbers down her bib
"Hi! I'm the new kid
Would you be my friend?"

But...they ting tyke said "Waa, waa!
Waa, waa, waa, waa, waa, waa!...etc.
I know a dopey dog
He'd make friends with a log!"

So the tiny tyke and the girl in gold
And the boy on the bike and the new kid
All set off on a hike
To find a friend for the new kid
'Cause the new kid needed a friend!

To find the dog was not too hard
He was burying bones in a neighbor's yard
"Hi! I'm the new kid
Would you be my friend?"

But...the dopey dog said "Ruff, ruff!
Rauaaughf, ruf! ruf! ruf!"...etc
And so the new kid hung his head
And very sadly said,
"If I can't make friends with a friendly pup
I might as well give up!"

Weeks went by and his birthday came
And he still didn't have a friend to his name
When school was over home he trudged
And he started to cry and his face got smudged
And he opened the door..
And he rubbed his eyes...
And he heard a roar..."SURPRISE!"

Happy birthday new kid
From all your very new friends!
From the dopey dog and the tiny tyke
And the girl in gold and the boy on the bike
Now, every one of them was his friend
Things take time...
The end

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Other Olsen Twins song Lyrics
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  • At The End Of The Day
    "Won't you hold my hand at the end of the day?
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    And we'll sit by the fire and we'll sing and we'll play.
    Won't you hold my hand at the end of the day?..."
  • B U T T Out
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    And maybe someday you will.
    She wants to come now, No way, no how!
    Sorry, negativesville..."
  • B-U-T-T Out
    "You want to come too. We know you do.
    And maybe someday you will.
    She wants to come now, No way, no how!
    Sorry, negativesville..."
  • Bravery
    "I've given up my nightlight 'cause I'm not scared of the dark.
    I've tasted buttermilk. Sat through Jurassic Park.
    I've taken off my training wheels, used adult shampoo.
    Sometimes there's no limit to the scary things I'll do...."
  • Broccoli Chocolate
    "One day I was shopping in my local grocery store
    I grabbed a big bar of chocolate
    As I was heading for the door
    I tossed the chocolate in my cart..."
  • Broccoli and Chocolate
    "One day I was shopping in my local grocery store
    I grabbed a big bar of chocolate
    As I was heading for the door
    I tossed the chocolate in my cart..."

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