OMD - The Pacific Age Lyrics

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Artist: OMD
OMD Author
Album: The Pacific Age (1989)
OMD - The Pacific Age Album
Song Title: The Pacific Age
Visits: 597
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The Pacific Age
Is growing strong
It's arm's embrace witth a killing grace
It shakes your hand as it takes your place

The modern age
Like a slow revenge
A wave that breaks over distant shores
It begs for mercy
And it take some more and more and more

The Pacific Age
Comes down like rain
Washing over us again and again
It's spreading west
Like a speeding train
As the wheels slow down and we lose the game

The Pacific Age
Tells no lies
A dream that calls like an open door
It keeps you hoping
And it takes some more and more and more

The Pacific Age
Comes down like rain
Washing over us again and again
It's spreading west
Like a speeding train
As the wheels slow down and we lose the game

The Pacific Age
Comes down like rain
Washing over us again and again
It's spreading west
like a speeding train
As the wheels slow down and we lose the game

The Pacific Age
Has no regrets
It feeds on dreams
It wins its bets
A new dawn breaks from east to west
And the plans we made stop making sense

The Pacific Age
It calls your name
It bites you hand, you feel no pain
And racing home. you run in vane
As your heart slows down and you lose the game

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Other OMD song Lyrics
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    "This is the room
    This is the wall
    This is the body
    Ive been hoping for..."
    A new start
    A cheap affair
    A sordid truth..."
  • Souvenir
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  • Joan Of Arc
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    A face on a page, a gift from above
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    She should've known better than to ever part without me, without me..."
  • Joan Of Arc Maid Of Orleans
    "If Joan of Arc had a heart, would she give it as a gift
    To such as me who longs to see, how a legend oughta be
    Had dreams to give her heart away, like an orphan along the way
    She cared so much, she offered up her body to the grave

    Here we are again
    Too good to be friends..."
  • So In Love
    "Talk to me, don't lie to meSave your breathDon't look at me, don't smile at me
    Just close your eyesI was so impressed by youI was running blind
    I would fall for every trickEvery twist of mindHeaven is coldWithout any soul
    It's hard to believeI was so in love with you..."
  • Secret
    "I've got a secret I can't explain
    And all the time I've waited for this day
    All along I was never in doubt
    I always knew it would never get out..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Pacific Age" album, click "OMD Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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