Omnium Gatherum - Sons Thoughts Lyrics

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Artist: Omnium Gatherum
Song Title: Sons Thoughts
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 670
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For the one my window hides in its view... - to enlighten me if my love's
real, or that faith - what's more bitter than the late spring - i forgot to
live, seated in one of their fucking trains - yes i forgot to live seated in
one of those - and when the world is left i don't need an inscription to
remind for these things - if it's washing away, well, you know what -
praying on one's knees - before - bring salvation for every soul - i forgot
to live, seated in one of their fucking trains - yes i forgot to live seated
in one of those - when in search of clarity, the way is lost in itself -
gone into its own walker - and every shadow has its bearer of shadow - every
shadow has its bearer of shadow - (a son with the thought of not standing
his demise - still afraid of getting a lethal dis ease) - and the clauses
they were, they were all without reins - though didn't want to lose, didn't
want to lose my heart - somewhere in the mists of my blurred daily
consciousness - the thought of not standing a dis ease

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  • Cure A Wound
    "Throw your wishes at a stone, whenever feeling it - what has an endless
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    a way or another - try harder and everything will be blending, then tear it..."
  • The Emptiness Of Spirit
    "How many paths must a man walk down until you call him a man - and if it
    isn't good i understand - with different rights - the days to settle down,
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  • Wastrel
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    delusion, any kind of a difference - but on that night it felt like home -
    with a small amount of love and that cliche classy pale white face - what..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Spirits And August Light" album, click "Omnium Gatherum Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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