One-21 - Runaway Lyrics

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Artist: One-21
Song Title: Runaway
Visits: 661
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wicked hearts
where the violence starts
caused all the death
that i've seen so far since
Eden we've been cursed
and i know that i'm the worst
every thought in my mind is evil
and i hate all other people
there's no good in us at all
and i don't think we're able

whatever happened to my generation?
it all went to Hell
we stood as a nation
but a nation of lies where everyone dies

we fight amongst ourselves
brother against brother we kill one another
as men we're born to trouble yet
i stand without fear in the name of Christ

cause they tell me to
runaway come back and fight another day
runaway runaway come back and fight another day

deny my God and shut my mouth
curse my Lord and end my life
well how can i forget my King
the One who's given me everything

what a world we live in nothing prospers here
but division and the endless cries
for freedom well thet say we're free but this ain't freedom

our souls are bound forever
there's no where left to run to
we try to stand together but
even then we stand alone

whatever happened to my generation?
it all went to Hell
we stood as a nation
but a nation of lies where everyone dies

my eyes have seen the glory of
the coming of our Lord
Who's trampling out the vintage where those grapes of wrath are stored
the battles won
the victory's ours
in the name of the King
but it's clear to me
that my people have been blinded
to the truth

but they tell me to
runaway runaway come back and fight another day
runaway runaway come back and fight another day
runaway runaway com

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  • Individuals
    "These are the waining days of Rock n Roll
    It's gonna die God rest its soul
    So say good bye to Rock n Roll
    Say good bye SO SAY GOOD BYE..."
  • Morality
    "Let's be a part of the moral fashion show,
    we look so good we're strong enough to overcome any opposition
    knock us down we'll get back up
    but keep all your weaknessess a secret don't let us see them if you can..."
  • Nothing To Lose
    "brothers and sisters listen up you got nothing to fear
    the victory's ours
    though we're sent like sheep among wolves
    we got nothing to fear..."

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