One Minute Silence - A MORE VIOLENT APPROACH Lyrics

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Artist: One Minute Silence
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Where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,

Where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
and what did you expect if not,

a more violent approach!
a more violent approach!

Hate to disappoint you, but this is it,
doesn't get any better, like purpose and all that shit,
what you want doesn't come into this,
too many fucks, fucking it up, fucking with this, alright!

What about me, well what about you, no exception,
nothing special, of no value, nothing to give,
so what have they got to lose,
ever became a real threat, history, old news.
Easily disposed of government style,
but should you ever piss oil,

Where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,

Where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
and what did you expect if not,

a more violent approach!
a more violent approach!
a more violent approach!
a more violent approach!

I've had enough, had it up,
go ahead drop the bomb, I couldn't give a fuck,
looks like I'm stuck with it, so every chance I get,
I'm gonna get to a mic and fuck with it,
fuck this, fuck you, fuck it all, turned on, turned in, switched on,
ain't never gonna play ball.

Who are you, what do you know about me?
holedigger, white nigger, but that's all you see,
that's all you wanna see, that's all you wanna see,
that's all you wanna see, and how I feel,
boom to the mothafuckin head,
mothafuckin head,
mothafuckin head,
problem solved, dead!


I've come for me, I've come for me only,
but under no illusions I'm no phoney,
like all of you, I want to see the system come down,
but step back and accept the facts,
fact is, we do not make a sound.
I've come for me, I've come for me,
I've come for me, I've come for me only.
I've come for me, I've come for me,
I've come for me, I've come for me only.

Where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,

Where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
where there's life there's dope,
and what did you expect if not,

a more violent approach!
a more violent approach!
a more violent approach!
a more violent approach!

a more violent approach

A MORE VIOLENT APPROACH Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • Holy Man
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    I could be the Son of God
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  • Its Just A Ride
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    I wanna know why the man has a gun
    and the gun not the man keeps the world at bay..."
  • Food for the Brain
    "Take a walk on the why side
    A fast ride, through anarchistic eyes
    Take a look at the real world
    The wheels turn, on sugar-coated lies..."
  • Fish Out of Water
    "I'm done with yesterday, tomorrow I will drop today
    I cannot operate on what I can and cannot say
    I put my foot in it - tomorrow is another day
    Some you win some you lose, the fish are out of water..."
  • Roof of the World
    "As I look back my anger turns to rage
    These eyes become the windows to a cage
    Peace? When has peace had its page?
    Nothing but the same old story..."
  • 210 Dog Years
    "Jesus Christ, I feel like taking life
    I'm screaming 'peace' but know its price
    And you all screaming 'bigger slice'
    My god - I don't need this..."

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