One Minute Silence - Holy Man Lyrics
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One Minute Silence Singer Lyrics
Holy Man Song Lyrics
One Minute Silence
Buy Now... Saved Later (2000)
Song Title:
Holy Man
Rock: Alternative
Print Version
I could be wrong here
I could be right
I could be the Son of God
Selling you a little life
But you wouldn't see me
You wouldn't hear me
Why you and not me?
Tell me Holy Man
Is that supposed to mean something?
Am I supposed to feel something?
Am I to believe that you hold the key?
My way wrong and yours right?
I could be wrong here
You could be right
Please forgive me I have sinned -
Not on your life
But that's how you want me
But I'll never fear thee
Why you and not me?
Tell me Holy Man
Is that supposed to mean something?
Am I supposed to feel something?
Am I to believe that you hold the key?
My way wrong and yours right?
You want it?
You need it?
You love it?
You keep it
You want it?
You need it?
You love it?
You keep it
You want me to bow down, lie down, accept it and die
Say what, say what, say what, say what, say why
You want me to fear you, revere you, never question your lies
Say what, say what, say what, say what, say why
Holy Man Lyrics
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Other One Minute Silence song Lyrics
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Another day another dollar
Another day another dollar
Another kill for the corporate collar..."
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All our hopes and our dreams are a far cry
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All the sticks and the stones and the names fly..."
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I wanna know why the man has a gun
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Food for the Brain
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A fast ride, through anarchistic eyes
Take a look at the real world
The wheels turn, on sugar-coated lies..."
Fish Out of Water
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I cannot operate on what I can and cannot say
I put my foot in it - tomorrow is another day
Some you win some you lose, the fish are out of water..."
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These eyes become the windows to a cage
Peace? When has peace had its page?
Nothing but the same old story..."
210 Dog Years
"Jesus Christ, I feel like taking life
I'm screaming 'peace' but know its price
And you all screaming 'bigger slice'
My god - I don't need this..."
If I Can Change
"With that in mind!
With that in mind!
With that in mind!
With that in mind!..."
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