One Minute Silence - Remain Calm Lyrics

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Artist: One Minute Silence
One Minute Silence Author
Album: Available in All Colours (2000)
One Minute Silence - Available in All Colours Album
Song Title: Remain Calm
Genre: Indie
Visits: 571
Print Version

Please remain calm.
Please remain calm.
Please remain calm.
Please remain calm.
Please remain calm.

This is your last warning.
This is your last warning.
This is your last warning.
This is your last warning.

Why should I, why should I,
why should I, why should I,
should I, why?

Why should I, why should I,
why should I, why should I,
should I, why?

Why should I, why should I,
why should I, why should I,
should I, why?

Why should I, why should I,
why should I, why should I,
should I, why?

Comply, comply, comply,
sign on the dotted line,
let simple Simon tell me,
when to eat, shit, sleep, smile.
Hear no evil, see no evil,
speak no evil, live, die,
not a man among you with the courage to question why.

Please remain calm.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
Please remain calm.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
Please remain calm.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
Please remain calm.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.

This is your last warning.
This is your last warning.
This is your last warning.
This is your last warning.

Why should I, why should I,
why should I, why should I,
should I, why?

Why should I, why should I,
why should I, why should I,
should I, why?

Why should I, why should I,
why should I, why should I,
should I, why?

Why should I, why should I,
why should I, why should I,
should I, why?

Why should I, should I, why?
Why should I, should I, why?
Why should I, should I, why?
Why should I, should I, why?

Please remain calm.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
Please remain calm.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
Please remain calm.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
Please remain calm.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.

Please move back!

Future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools,
future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools.
Future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools,
future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools.

Future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools,
future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools.
Future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools,
future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools!

Future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools,
Please move back!
future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools.
Please move back!
Future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools,
Please move back!
future, my future, my future's in the hands of fools.

This is your last warning!
This is your last warning!


Move back,
move back,
Move back,
move back.

Move back,
move back,
Move back,
move back

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Other One Minute Silence song Lyrics
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    Another day another dollar
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  • 1845
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    1845 - until the hate dies
    All the sticks and the stones and the names fly..."
  • Holy Man
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    I could be right
    I could be the Son of God
    Selling you a little life..."
  • Its Just A Ride
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    when he says what he has to say
    I wanna know why the man has a gun
    and the gun not the man keeps the world at bay..."
  • Food for the Brain
    "Take a walk on the why side
    A fast ride, through anarchistic eyes
    Take a look at the real world
    The wheels turn, on sugar-coated lies..."
  • Fish Out of Water
    "I'm done with yesterday, tomorrow I will drop today
    I cannot operate on what I can and cannot say
    I put my foot in it - tomorrow is another day
    Some you win some you lose, the fish are out of water..."
  • Roof of the World
    "As I look back my anger turns to rage
    These eyes become the windows to a cage
    Peace? When has peace had its page?
    Nothing but the same old story..."
  • 210 Dog Years
    "Jesus Christ, I feel like taking life
    I'm screaming 'peace' but know its price
    And you all screaming 'bigger slice'
    My god - I don't need this..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Available in All Colours" album, click "One Minute Silence Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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