One True Voice - Shakespeares Way With Words Lyrics

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Artist: One True Voice
Song Title: Shakespeares Way With Words
Visits: 590
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Im too shy, to say I love you,
I can't tell you how I feel,
Don't ask, I can't explain it,
I don't know why but my lips are sealed.

I can be your Romeo,
I wanna be your hero


If I had Shakespeares way with words,
I would write a sonnet, put your name upon it,
How can I be heard?
In my heart I am a poet, don't know how to show it,
If only I had Shakespeare's way with words.

I can't talk, you leave me breathless,
No sound when I try to speak,
I try to be romantic,
But every time im near your I go weak.

You can be my Juliet,
And I promise you no regrets.


If I had Shakespeares way with words,
I would write a sonnet, put your name upon it,
How can I be heard?
In my heart I am a poet, don't know how to show it,
If only I had Shakespeare's way with words.

If I had Shakespeares way with words,
I would write a sonnet, put your name upon it,
How can I be heard?
In my heart I am a poet, don't know how to show it,
If only I had Shakespeare's way with words.

Don't know much but im not thick,
Know nothing much at all,
But I do know one thing, I love you, really love you,
And I give anything, to tell you how i feel inside

If I had Shakespeares way with words,
I would write a sonnet, put your name upon it,
How can I be heard?
In my heart I am a poet, don't know how to show it,
If only I had Shakespeare's way with words.

If I had Shakespeares way with words,
I would write a sonnet, put your name upon it,
How can I be heard?
In my heart I am a poet, don't know how to show it,
If only I had Shakespeare's way with words.-acap

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