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Eye Of The Nightmare Song Lyrics
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End of days, my greatest fear My body tires and sleep is near Close my eyes and I will pray for dreams of rapture But still it comes, the storm of spiraling clouds of nightmares chasing me. Fed from boiling seas of sorrow, blackened yawns of deadpan horror Stand, upon these shores and wait for my own storm Learn to endure, like always before. My eyes will see If I hold on I'll be, within the soothing center, calming, restful solace Try to enter Not forever in the eye of the nightmare As you enter, feel the eye of the nightmare Trapped inside the violent eye of the nightmare Lucid colors sees the eye of the nightmare Try to run but in all dreams our bodies fail, we want to sleep Kin and loved ones torn apart by winds of torture Be still, I feel a million legs of angry insects, hungry I sense Peel away from faceless children, from them I hear young screams of terror Hold my body down, so scared without the sound My lost dreams found, frightened all around It's just a dream Hold on and I'll soon be, within the guarded, peaceful, quiet, sunlit palace Try to stay here Now forever in the eye of the nightmare Peace I will find from the eye of the nightmare Lost inside behind the eye of the nightmare (within, the end, behind the) Tearful madness sees the eye of the nightmare (always, open is the) Frozen lies and frozen stares of subconscious thoughts, they're not really here The only to leave the eye is through the storm wall Dreams of burning, dreams of drowning They're all just to me, elementary nightmares I'll stay in the eye and sleep forever, sweat through the storm Hope I can wake As the storm clouds fade it looks
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