Ookla the Mok - Dollar Fifty Movies Lyrics

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Artist: Ookla the Mok
Song Title: Dollar Fifty Movies
Visits: 594
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What can you do when it's all gone and you're not alone?
What can I do to make you care?
The key still fit, I turned the lock and I was home
But what can I do when you're not there?

I'm going to the movies, the dollar fifty movies
A dollar fifty that ain't a lot
I'm going to the movies, the dollar fifty movies
A dollar fifty's all that I've got
But a dollar fifty that ain't a lot
To get away

I can ride upon a star
You know that's gonna get me far
I searched the couch I cleaned the car
I broke apart my penny jar

I'm going to the movies, the dollar fifty movies
A dollar fifty that ain't a lot
Catching third run movies is really kind of groovy
When a dollar fifty's all that you've got
And you tried to sneak in but you got caught

You hope the film's not foreign cause you find 'em kinda boring
And the print will have more holes than the plot
Plus so many splices you'll have to watch it twice
Just to piece together the dialogue

It's power when you point out who plays every part
When you've seen it twice already and you know the words by heart
When the audience is into it and has a great time
For a dollar, a quarter, three nickels, and a dime

I'm home from the movies, the dollar fifty movies
I just saw the film they said was so hot
It was supposed to be so sexy, so special effects-y
But it had such a predictable plot
Every time you thought the hero was caught
He got away

Nothing to do and nothing to say
A dollar fifty of your pay
And ninety minutes of your day
It don't take much to get away

I'm not going to the movies, the dollar fifty movies
Cause a dollar fifty's all that I've got
I'm not going to the movies cause the movies never move me
And in the end the time's all I've ever bought
And when the lights come up I'm left with one thought
You got away

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