Oomph - Youve Got It Lyrics

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Artist: Oomph
Oomph Author
Album: Wunschkind (1996)
Oomph - Wunschkind Album
Song Title: Youve Got It
Genre: Industrial
Visits: 662
Print Version

You gimme the sun - you gimme the moon -
you gimme the stars - you've got it -
you gimme your heart - you gimme your mind -
you gimme your scars - you've got it -
you gimme the storm - you gimme the fire -
you gimme the rain - you've got it -
you gimme your love - you gimme your hate -
you gimme your pain - you've got it -
you gimme your grief - you gimme your rage -
you gimme your fears - you've got it -
you gimme your lies - you gimme your shame -
you gimme your tears - you've got it -
you gimme your war - you gimme your fight -
you gimme your peace - you've got it -
you gimme the rise - you gimme the fall -
you gimme release - you've got it love me -
save me - thrill me - deprave me - scorn me -
use me - kill me - reduce me - burn my heart now!
love me - chain me - thrill me - restrain me - scorn
me - face me - kill me - erase me - blind my eyes now!
love me - change me - thrill me - derange me - scorn me -
hate me - kill me - cremate me - (love me to death) -
'i've been so old from the day I was born'
you said 'been getting sold from the day I was born'
you said 'been losing hold from the day I was born'
you said 'it's been so cold since the day I was born'
you said 'i've been afraid from the day I was born'
you said 'been getting paid from the day I was born'
you said 'it's been my fate from the day I was born'
you said 'it's been too late since the day I was born'
you said burn! burn! burn! burn!

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Other Oomph song Lyrics
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    Ist es schon in meinem Blut zu stehn?
    Ist es schon?..."
  • Ich Bin Du
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    Wenn ich schweig, hor mir zu
    Wenn ich lach
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  • Me Inside You
    "Let me inside you
    Let me inside you
    In your veins
    In your brain..."
  • Der Neue Gott
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    Kinder zum Lichte empor
    Hell aus dem Dunklen Vergangnem
    Leuchtet die Zukunft hervor..."
  • No Heart No Pain
    "No forget it help me please
    No more no more no more no more
    If there's no heart
    Then there's no joy..."
  • Breathe
    "Cry don't cry
    Don't be afraid
    Try just try
    Let it in you..."
  • Under Pressure
    "See me down
    Now it's taking me
    How can I face this ???
    Take it right in an empty stance..."
  • Wir Leben
    "Haut auf Haut
    Schweiss vermischt sich
    Mund auf Mund
    Ich und Du..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Wunschkind" album, click "Oomph Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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