Ophthalamia - Dominion Lyrics

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Artist: Ophthalamia
Ophthalamia Author
Album: Dominion (1997)
Ophthalamia - Dominion Album
Song Title: Dominion
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 682
Print Version

Grim and determined to rule like chained and bond to the land The candle
will fade and not even the grey death can be cruel as I Hate boils my
blood and makes me see the minions with abhor I give you death in
genocide a true tyrant at the blackest of the thrones

Please cure mind diseased Pluck the memory of a rooted sorrow
Cleanse the heart from poison Raze out the written troubles of the brain

Honour, love, friends I must not even look to have Find the tumor of
my land and rid her from the taunt I applaud the bloodiest visions and
dwell in the darkest depths There is no forgiveness no such oblivion
or weak mercy

Stars fall down from the sky and let it be painted pure black
The essence of good fled my soul as filthy pearls from the core Woods
never walk so stay and fight 'til my bones from flesh be hacked I smile at
swords brandished by man that's of a woman born

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Other Ophthalamia song Lyrics
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  • Via Dolorosa / My Springnights Sacrifice
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    I feel the dripping water reborn my breath..."
  • Nightfall Of Mother Earth / Summer Distress
    "Lenge jag I sommarhettans dagar sokt men dig ej funnit
    Kempat, trelat och I solens blendande sken jag brunnit
    VI mi odslat vira liv men VI even en dod var vunnit
    Dig, Elishia skall jag finna vart du en har forsvunnit..."
  • A Lonely Ceremony / The Eternal Walk
    "My dark eyes watch the landscapes frozen stillness
    The beautiful silent domains which he rules
    The cold wind grabs my long hair
    Like it wants to carry me with it to the darker marks..."
  • Time For War
    Ride in the dust cut in the flesh lift your banners and hold 'em high
    Head for the kill crush with your fist let us attack
    Shrouded is the morning in the thickest of mists and cloudfilled is the sky..."
  • Final Hour Of Joy
    "The army is scattered and I have risen in rank At the castle
    of mine they must prepare a feast With the early morning mist news
    of victory arrived Triumph so great for a day in it's moment of glory
    The castle was suddenly filled with life as never before..."
  • Great Are The Deeds Of Death
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    thoughts of horrible deeds had imprisoned me in it's chains Not even the
    shadows of the castle must know of my plans For tonight in his sleep the king
    will die by my hands Elishia - great huntress of the night Elishia - Guide me..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Dominion" album, click "Ophthalamia Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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