Orange Blue - You Are The One Lyrics

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Artist: Orange Blue
Song Title: You Are The One
Visits: 574
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There's a mountain
Which I wanted to climb
With tears on my mind
And there's a love song
That I needed to write
For someone so right
And I have seen a million fading stars
They were shining so bright
Through a steamy night
There's more that could be put in words
Somethings that's true
And that's what I got from you

You are the one
Who's taking me there
You are the one
Breathing despair
You are the one
Who's shining on me
You are the one
Savin' my life
You light up my mind

And love was a good thing
When I needed to feel
That I always believed
Now I'll be holding on
To all the things that we have got
And get sadness for free
And there were stars that led me far away
Now once I've turned the page
And now I keep holding on

You are the one...

Will you still believe
When I run out of rhyme
The streets of reason
I just can't deny
I'm still believing
In the truth of our rain
'Cause in the corner of my history
I'm hiding my pain

You are the one
Who's raising my care
You are the one
Breathing despair
You are the one
Who's taking me there
You are the one
Breathing despair
You are the one
Who's shining on me
You are the one
You're gonna take me there
You are breathing despair
You're shining on me
You're saving my life
You are the one

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    "Some keep their arms always open
    Some stay on earth even though they can fly
    I'm not one of that kind heaven help those who believe
    She says and leaves..."
  • Gotta Be
    "You will always hide emotions
    But you'll never hide your face
    To someone who don't look like me
    You believe in love and in mermaids..."
  • Guilty
    "Sometimes I wonder where I stand in my life
    Always remembering what I've been through
    It's good to have someone to take in the arms and cry
    When I was feelin' bad..."
  • Heaven Was Her Name
    "She began to tell
    The story 'bout her hell
    She hated being at home
    But loved to be alone..."
    "The time is bleeding into eternity
    You can't make a long kiss when you don't breathe
    And time is against me, but harm I can't leave
    And if you refuse to be in touch with me..."

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