Orange Goblin - Born With Big Hands Lyrics
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Orange Goblin Singer Lyrics
Born With Big Hands Song Lyrics
Orange Goblin
Coup De Grace (2002)
Song Title:
Born With Big Hands
Print Version
Branded with irons under black skies
Born with the look of hate in those eyes
Raised on a mountain, like a stray beast
Only desire to kill what he needs
Conquered the wild, angry and mean
Moved to the city, age of sixteen
Fighting for money all over town
Hungry for blood and a heavyweight crown
He's not your average mountain man
'Cos he was born with big ol' hands
There's adamantium in those bones
He's got a jaw that's made of stone
With his barbarian beliefs
It's no surprise that he can't be beat
He's not your average mountain man
'Cos he was born with big ol' hands
Branded with irons under black skies
Born with the look of hate in those eyes
Raised on a mountain, like a stray beast
Only desire to kill what he needs
Conquered the world, angry and mean
Moved to the city, age of sixteen
Fighting for money all over town
Hungry for blood and a heavyweight crown
He's not your average mountain man
'Cos he was born with big ol' hands
There's adamantium in his bones
He's got a jaw that's made of stone
With his barbarian beliefs
It's no surprise that he can't be beat
He's not your average mountain man
'Cos he was born with big ol' hands
Got a reputation as the king of street brawlers
If you're stepping up, I guarantee that he'll floor ya
Bare knuckle fighters, wanna put him to the test
But let me warn you if you do, well then you're messin' with the best
Don't you fuck with ol' big hands
Still undefeated, on top of his game
Still got the rage of a beast in a cage
Born with a fist the size of a ham
I always said he'd be a street fighting
Born With Big Hands Lyrics
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We bite
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We bite..."
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