Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Locomotion Lyrics

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Artist: Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark Author
Album: Best of OMD (2003)
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Best of OMD Album
Song Title: Locomotion
Genre: Pop
Visits: 599
Print Version

Across every ocean
for the sake of locomotion
but I wouldn't have a notion
how to save my soul
I walk down the sidewalk
run down the boardwalk
stop and make small talk
but I can't say no to you

I can't say no I can't say yes
I cant' even write down my own address
I can't touch Heaven it's a little too far
it's the only way to travel
got dreaming on a parr
I'm staring through the window
wonder where you are
moving through the landscape at a million miles an hour

Across every nation
from the harbour to the station
it's a source of inspiration
it's a power to the state
they run down the railways
sail across the seaways
fly through the airways
but they can't say no
to you

I can't stand up I can't stand still
I know you wouldn't like it if I told you how I feel
I just want to say that it's only common sense
but the words always fail me at my own expense
I'm staring out the window
wonder where you are
moving through the landscape at a million miles an hour

Across every ocean
for the sake of locomotion
but I wouldn't have a notion
how to save my soul
I walk down the sidewalk
run down the boardwalk
stop and make small talk
but I can't say no to you

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Other Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark song Lyrics
  • The New Stone Age
    "This is the room, this is the wall
    This is the body I've been hoping for
    These are the words I've been longing just to say
    So this is my goal, the end of my life..."
  • Shes Leaving
    "Every day a new start, and she prefers the sudden truth
    We'll never learn to guide our heart, we'll never find what we deserve
    She's leaving, she waited for so long
    She pretends that he cares, invents some tale just to get his heart..."
  • Souvenir
    "It's my direction, it's my proposal, it's so hard, it's leading me astray
    My obsession, it's my creation, you'll understand, it's not important now
    All I need is coordination, I can't imagine my destination
    My intention, ask my opinion, with no excuse, my feelings still remain..."
  • Joan Of Arc
    "Little catholic girl is fallin' in love
    A face on a page, a gift from above
    She should've known better than to give her heart
    She should've known better than to ever part without me, without me..."
  • Joan Of Arc Maid Of Orleans
    "If Joan of Arc had a heart, would she give it as a gift
    To such as me who longs to see, how a legend oughta be
    Had dreams to give her heart away, like an orphan along the way
    She cared so much, she offered up her body to the grave..."
  • Georgia
    "Well, here we are again, too, too good to be friends
    Forever, forever, forever
    Well, look at what we've done, three, three worlds into one
    Together, together, together..."
  • Electricity
    "I want some energy
    the ultimate discovery
    electric blue for me
    never more to be free..."
  • Messages
    "it worries me this kind of thing
    how you hope to live alone
    and occupy your waking hours
    we're taking sides again..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Best of OMD" album, click "Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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