Order New - 5 8 6 Lyrics

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Artist: Order New
Order New Author
Album: In Hindsight (1999)
Order New - In Hindsight Album
Song Title: 5 8 6
Genre: Electronic
Visits: 630
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I see danger, danger, danger, danger
Around the corner
Sent by me
Shadows the ways
Straight away you ran from me
I heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
I heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling

I hear silence
I hear silence in my heart
From the distance
Turn your back and run from me
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling

When it happens
You will be no friend of mine
Take the first chance
When I am no longer free
I heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling

In the future
When you want me in your heart
I won't be there
If you call out in the dark
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you calling
Heard you calling
Yes, I heard you, heard you, heard you, heard you calling

Can you hear me deep inside
From these feelings I can't hide
Can you hear me deep inside
From these feelings I can't hide
Oh, can you hear me deep inside
From these feelings i can't hide
Can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me calling you
Can you hear me calling you
Can you head me calling you

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Other Order New song Lyrics
  • Age Of Consent
    "Won't you please let me go
    'Cause words lie inside
    They hurt me so
    And I'm not the kind that likes to tell you..."
  • We All Stand
    "Three miles to go
    Three miles to go
    At the end of the road
    There's a soldier waiting for me..."
  • The Village
    "When a new life turns to watch you
    And the the night becomes a bay
    We shall remain forever
    Everyone who meets his way..."
  • 5-8-6
    "I see danger
    On the corner sent by me
    Shadows the ways
    Straight away you ran from me..."
  • Your Silent Face
    "A thought that never changes
    Remains a stupid lie
    It's never been quite the same
    no hearing or breathing..."
  • Ultraviolence
    "Who saw those dark eyes
    Who saw those dark eyes
    Tears come by deep within
    Burn my skin..."
  • Leave Me Alone
    "On a thousand islands in the sea
    I see a thousand people just like me
    A hundred unions in the snow
    I watch them walking, falling in a row..."
  • Love Vigilantes
    "Oh, I've just come from the land of the sun
    From a war that must be won in the name of truth
    With our soldiers so brave, your freedom we will save
    With our rifles and grenades and some help from God..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "In Hindsight" album, click "Order New Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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