Ordo Equilibrio - Watching Lucifer Wander (Through The Sweet Dew of Lyrics

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Artist: Ordo Equilibrio
Ordo Equilibrio Author
Song Title: Watching Lucifer Wander (Through The Sweet Dew of
Visits: 620
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So what is so wrong about lust?
Isn't it just natural to acknowledge excitement,
Accept your instincts,
And truly rejoice in the pleasures of your body and mind?

So what is so wrong about pride?
Isn't it just natural to put oneself above the capability of others
And truly cherish ones own accomplishments
Rather than those of the average and ignorant?

I stand in the rising of a new dawn
Watching Lucifer wander through the sweet dew of morning

So what is so wrong about envy?
Isn't it just natural to sometimes feel envious
When realizing that someone else
Is of greater possession?

So what is so wrong about greed?
Isn't it just natural to seek for further wealth and comfort
Rather than to satisfy the yearnings of acquisition
With the portions already provided?

So what is so wrong about gluttony?
Am I not justified and proficient enough
To excessively indulge in my individual pleasures
And decide for myself that which is best for me and my being?

So what is so wrong about wrath?
Am I not entitled to wish for the harm and smite of others
Especially to those
Whom are unjust and spiteful to me?

So what is so wrong about sloth?
Am I not capable enough to decide for myself
When it is time to work, time to play and time to sleep
As long as I am willing accept the consequences of my actions?

I give praise to the seven deadly sins
And I rather rule in hell
Than serve in heaven

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