Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Ashen Like Love Black Like The Snow Lyrics

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Artist: Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio Author
Song Title: Ashen Like Love Black Like The Snow
Visits: 640
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You are ashen like love; you are black like the snow
You are drunken like God, making angels in snow
You are Mary confined, you are roses entwined
I am Jesus uncrowned, with the thorns of our time
My crusade is for peace, in this body of siege
You are black like the snow, in confinement betrothed
We are werewolves entwined, in the bondage of time
Inquisitioned by them, who estrange and condemn

You are ashen like love; you are black like the snow
Are you drunken like me, making angels in snow?
We are white like delight; you are black like the sun
We are Lucifer's light; you're my gospel unsung
Of enlightenment we rise, to the stars in the sky
They are madness besieged; by the light they can't reach
We are legion who charge, through the veils of the dark
To advance in dismay, and ascend to decay

You are ashen like love; you are black like the snow
You are drunken like me, making angels in snow
I am Jesus uncrowned, with the thorns of our time
My crusade is for peace, in this body of siege
Of enlightenment we rise, to the stars in the sky
They are madness besieged, by the light they can't breach
Inquisitoned by them, who estrange and condemn
They are purple like god; we are crimson like blood

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